Eyes of Stars

Trecut…prezent…viitor…chipul reflectat în trei oglinzi paralele. Camelia Constantin

Trecut…prezent…viitor…chipul reflectat în trei oglinzi paralele.(Constantin C)

joi, 4 octombrie 2012

Indigo Children, Or Hyperactive Brats?

Indigo Children, Or Hyperactive Brats?

There is a New Age movement that believes children born in the last 20 years are incredibly special. In fact, many children born in the last 8 years are what they call, indigo children (or crystal children). These indigo children possess special gifts, and they represent a higher form of evolution for human beings. They are seen as a gift to The Earth, something special to help elevate our global consciousness and begin a New Time in human development.

Sounds pretty far out there, huh?

What is an indigo child? The reason why a special child is labelled indigo is because of the prevailing blue hue their auras have. This represents a highly developed "third eye." Lee Carroll and Jan Tobler are the most visible proponents of the indigo children's existence, have come up with a list to identifiy such special children. Some of their characteristcs include:

- They come into the world feeling like royalty, and often act like it
- They have difficulty with absolute authority
- They won't do mudane things like wait in line
- They are often seen as anti-social unless they are surrounded by other indigo children
- They get frustrated with tasks that require no creativity
- They are not shy in letting you know what they need

I'm going to inject just a little bit of grounded reality for a second. The above descriptions sound like they're describing a creative, outgoing, and independent kid. And if you generalize, those attributes can be related to almost every child.

Indigo children experts say that many of these exceptional kids are misdiagnosed as having Attention-Deficit Disorder or even Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They also want parents to stop medicating their kids, despite what their medical doctors are telling them. With this, I tend to agree. Having been a teacher, I do believe we medicate too quickly.

So, what are some of these extraordinary abilities indigo children have?

They are highly intuitive. Indigo children apparently have the ability to almost read your mind, and they are very sensitive and empathic of others. They are wise beyond their years, often speaking like adults and finding new and creative ways of doing things. Many indigo children have the ability to heal others. Parents say their indigo child is a natural master, often mastering tasks with incredible ease. Indigo children have also been known to talk about past lives, angels, talking to spirits, and even predicting the future. I feel like hugging a crystal now.

Because indigo children are so gifted, they often have a difficult time in an average school setting. They don't see the point in doing a lot of the school work, they don't take direction too well and often rebel against authority. They are bored at school and have problems interacting with "average" kids. Indigo children are frustrated in the traditional classroom setting, and parents believe that's why doctors label their kids as having ADD, ADHD, or even behavior disorders.

Parents often homeschool their indigo children, and there is a growing number of "alternative" schools out there. The traditional education system has discounted the metaphysical aspect of the indigo phenomena, and instead attribute it more to social trends (i.e. student-centered learning) and having to simply deal with exceptional children that do need to be challenged.

As far as parents who claim their kids are indigo children, I see two main psychological reasons why they might be doing this and getting involved in the indigo movement:

First of all, there is a growing number of people that are breaking away from traditional religious institutions, but keep their spirituality intact. Indigo children come from these "New Age" parents, and Mom and Dad probably encourage indigo-like behavior. For example, a child may have an imaginary friend, but the parents will attribute that to the kid talking to an angel and talk about it with their child as such.

Secondly, what parent wouldn't want their child to be labeled as special - or part of a new evolution of humankind? You've come across doting parents, I'm sure. Their child can do no wrong and everything their little tyke can do it "special."

And if their child is having problems at school, it's preferential to say your child is an indigo, part of a higher consciousness of existance, then to say your kid cannot pay attention in class. Who likes to admit their kid might have ADD or ADHD? It's easier for a parent to say their child is exceptional and gifted instead of admitting their child has a behavior disorder or attention issues.

At this stage, there still has been absolutely no scientific and verifiable piece of evidence to support the indigo children's claims. Educators must provide outlets for exceptional kids - indigo or not. But at the same time, parents must not be so quick to label their own children as mystical and powerful beings either, as much as they'd like to. They must at times concede that their kid, at the very least, is a spoiled brat.

So the next time you're out at the mall or grocery store, and you see some three year old throwing a tantrum on the floor, just keep in mind that they are probably an indigo child...and that even higher beings can throw hissy fits.

Top Ten Signs You Have an Indigo Child

As was mentioned in a previous article, The Indigo Child: Fact or Fiction, the definition of an Indigo child was best worded in the book titled "The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived", a book by Lee Carroll
and Jan Tober.
The definition: "An Indigo child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before."
However, there are ten common traits that researchers, psychologists and others interested in the Indigo Child phenomenon believe help classify these children. The are as follows:
1. Indigo Children come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
This statement does not indicate a sassy, bratty child. It indicates a highly intelligent being who knows they are there for an important reason, even if they don't yet understand what it is. They have a feeling about themselves, that they are important, and often act like it, usually in the things they say, speaking from an experience they often haven't ever had.
2. Indigo Children have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
Again, this is one of those instances, when an Indigo internally recognizes that they were sent here for a greater purpose. These children do not necessarily act snobby or self-centered. They just understand there is a reason they have been put here, and they long to understand what it is.
3. Self-worth is not a big issue for Indigo Children. They often tell the parents "who they are."

Ingerul Uman

feel_the_breezeUnul din darurile acestui proces tranzitional, este ca Oamenii devin constienti de ceea ce sunt cu adevarat: ca sunt Spirite in corpuri Umane, si ca sunt, cu alte cuvinte, Ingeri in forma umana.

Noi am fost constienti de conexiunile noastre cu taramurile inalte mai multe mii de ani, dar am suferit intotdeauna ca “umanul” si starea materiala intr-un fel ne-au “stins” mostenirea angelica. Vorbeam de “Sinele nostru Superior”, stiind ca avem acces la acest aspect al nostru, dar intr-un fel nu era tocmai o parte a ceea ce eram, si putea fi accesat numai prin meditatie.
O parte a motivatiei acestui fapt era ca forma noastra fizica era blocata in Dimensiune a Treia, dar sinele nostru mai Inalt sau Angelic era mult mai fin si de vibratie mai inalta si era mult mai acasa in Dimensiunile Superioare. Astfel ca exista tot timpul o “prapastie” intre manifestarea materiala a corpului uman si intre constiinta si realitatea spirituala.
Acum, totusi, cu schimbarea vibrationala pe care o experimenteaza planeta, care este denumita pe buna dreptate “Ascensiune”, Pamantul si locuitorii sai au oportunitatea sa “asceada” din Dimensiunea a Treia a constiintei catre Dimensiuni Superioare. Pe masura ce constiinta urca tot mai sus, lumea spirituala se apropie, pana cand nu va mai exista o “prapastie” ci un continuum denumit “Constiinta Multi-Dimensionala”.
In aceasta stare, fiinta umana este capabila sa acceseze cu usurinta atat taramul material cat si pe cel spiritual. Nu mai exista nevoia de meditatie intensa, devreme ce accesul in taramul spiritual este imediat si evident. Oameni in starea Multi-Dimensionala au accesat prezenta lor Angelica sau starea lor Angelica, si s-au recunoscut ca fiinte Spirituale sau Ingeri care au de asemenea un corp omenesc si sunt capabili sa functioneze in planul material ca fiinte materiale.
In acest moment, Sinele Superior si sinele Inferior se poate spune ca s-au imbinat, si fiinta umana este acum un Inger Uman.
Ingerii umani sunt in permanenta constienti de ei insisi ca Angelici si Puternici si Creativi. Ei nu au timp sau nevoie de lucruri ca teama si dramele victimei. Timpul lor este mai bine consumat in crearea felului de realitate in care ei ar fi fericiti si multumiti.
Multi copii Indigo si de Cristal sunt deja aproape in acest punct de constientizare, daca nu chiar constienti cu totul. Asa cum sunt multi adulti indigo-Cristal care au facut tranzitia catre aceasta stare. Aceste fiinte noi pot sa-si ceara atat mostenirea umana cat si cea angelica, ceea ce va crea Noul Pamant.
Este important sa afirm, in acest moment,  ca este imperativ ca cei care fac tranzitia spre constientizarea sinelui lor angelic, sa fie de asemenea constienti de cat de important este sa fii uman si bine infipt in dimensiunile sau planurile materiale. Intregul scop al tranzitiei este de a aduce “Raiul” pe “Pamant”, si nu de a fi mutat intr-un fel de stare paradisiaca neancorata (neimpamantata).
Pentru Ingerii Umani este de lucru. Crearea unui Nou Pamant care sa aduca Raiul pe Pamant. Si devreme ce “raiul” nu este atat un loc cat o stare de constiinta, acesti Ingeri Umani trebuie sa lucreze ca sa aduca starile de constiinta ale dimensiunilor mai inalte in planul pamantesc. Odata ce s-a obtinut acest lucru, se va naste o cultura planetara care va respecta toate fiintele ca manifestare a Esentei Divine. si aceasta cultura va reflecta acest respect in pace, armonie si creativitate.
Un salt evolutiv
Asa cum se poate vedea din discutia de mai sus, aventura Indigo-Cristal reprezinta un imens salt evolutiv pentru specia umana. Acesta este initial un salt imens in constiinta, reflectat in culorile aurice si accesul catre straturile multi-dimensionale de constienta intr-un individ. Dar, ceea ce e manifest in corpurile subtile sau spirituale trebuie in cele din urma sa se manifeste in corpul fizic sau Pamantean al fiecarui individ. Si in cele din urma, in corpul fizic al Planetei insasi. Copiii si adultii Indigo si de Cristal sunt o parte integrala si dinamica a saltului evolutiv intr-un nou viitor de Aur. Nivelele superioare de constiinta, constienta interconectarii tuturor lucrurilor si o dorinta pentru o viata mai autoritara si creativa vor deveni in curand caracteristicile tuturor oamenilor de pe Planeta Pamant.
Aure de Aur, Ingeri Umani si Constiinta Multidimensionala
Copiii Indigo si de Cristal care vin pe planeta sunt cunoscuti ca si “copii stelari”. Adesea asta se intampla sin cauza ca sufletele lor sunt mai mult acasa in stele, si ei nu s-au mai incarnat pe Pamant inainte. Ei vin in acest moment ca o echipa cu “misiune speciala” sa asiste Pamantul si locuitorii lui la tranzitia si renasterea ca un “Nou Pamant” intr-o dimensiune superioara. Dar in timp ce aceste fiinta par ca niste fiinte umane obisnuite, ele au acces de fapt la un domeniu mai larg al potentialului uman. Ei sunt mai deschisi la ceea ce sunt, mai aproape de recunoasterea originilor lor divine si a esentei lor divine.
Copiii Indigo sunt nascuti prin Raza Sufleteasca Indigo de Incarnare si Evolutie. Aceasta inseamna ca ei au acces la darurile de clarvedere si vindecare. Ei sunt de asemenea capabili sa acceseze ceea ce poate fi denumit ca Constiinta a Dimensiunilor a Patra si a Cincea, in timp ce majoritatea oamenilor au acces doar la a Treia si a Patra. Acest acces la dimensiunile mai inalte, impreuna cu darurile sufletului de Raza Indigo, semnifica faptul ca persoanele Indigo sunt in mod natural mult mai inteligente, mai senzitive si mai clarvazatoare.
Ei sunt de asemenea creativi, si de multe ori sunt capabili sa acceseze partea stanga si partea dreapta a creierului cu usurinta, facandu-i astfel talentati din punct de vedere artistic, dar in acelasi timp cu inclinatii tehnologice si aventurosi.
Copiii de Cristal, pe de alta parte, sunt nascuti mai ales prin Raza Aurie de Incarnare si Evolutie. Ei sunt nascuti in Dimensiunea a Sasea de Constiinta, cu potential de deschidere rapida catre nivelul Dimensiunii a Noua de Constiinta Cristica Completa, si apoi de acolo catre Dimensiunea a Treisprezecea care reprezinta Constiinta Universala.
Cu aceste daruri si abilitati, Fiintele de Cristal sunt imens de puternice si de creative. Multi dintre ei poarta Raze Aurii si de Fucsina, ceea ce-i face maestri ai creatiei, in mod special cu lumina si sunetul. Aceasta se manifesta ca si creativitate artistica si muzicala in planul Pamantean. Cei care poarta Raza Indigo-Argint, sunt de asemenea daruiti ca “mame” si “zeite” ale planetei, si poarta vibratia feminina a vindecarii si ingrijirii.
Cei de pe Raza Rosu-Aurie, pe de alta parte, poarta vibratia masculina a manifestarii si adesea ei sunt conducatorii intr-un sens mult mai activ.
Viitorul copil de Cristal va fi cunoscut ca o fiinta “Cristal de Curcubeu”. Aceasta este pe deplin dezvoltata Fiinta Umana Universala a Dimensiunii Treisprezece, capabila sa poarte si sa transmita toate Razele de Incarnare si Evolutie in campul lor vibrational. Deja exista fiinte de Cristal al Curcubeului pe planeta Pamant, dar trebuie sa se deschida catre potentialul lor deplin.
Cel mai incantator lucru cu privire la aceste transformari evolutionare, pentru oamenii obisnuiti, este faptul ca fiintele Indigo si de Cristal aduc aceste vibratii pe planeta pentru a le impartasi celorlalti. Tocmai prin prezenta lor, ele ii asista pe ceilalti sa se mute in aceasta noua vibratie si sa se deschida si ei catre potentialul lor complet. Darul Indigo-Cristal pentru planeta este darul Evolutiei ai accesului catre potentialul nostru deplin, pentru fiecare fiinta umana aflata astazi pe planeta, daca aceasta alege asa ceva.
In acest moment, multi oameni care permit schimbarea sau tranzitia in propriul lor camp auric, s-au mutat din stadiul lor original de constiinta a Dimensiunii a Treia in stadiile Indigo si de Cristal, cu asistenta copiilor care au sustinut vibratia. Acesti adulti acum sunt capabili sa mentina Raza Aurie a Evolutiei in cele 8 chakre ale lor, si ajuta la crearea unei matrici pentru crearea Noului Pamant. Aceasta lumina Aurie pulsatoare poate fi clar vazuta in aurele lor de aceia care sunt clarvazatori si au abilitatea de a percepe culorice aurice.

Ce Sunt Copiii si Adultii Indigo si de Cristal?

The_metamorphosis_of_the_angel_by_MayitabelCum stii daca tu, sau cineva pe care-l cunosti, este un Copil sau un Adult Indigo sau de Cristal?
Vom descrie principalele trasaturi si caracteristici ale acestor oameni. Dar vrem sa accentuam faptul ca fenomenul Indigo/Cristal este urmatorul pas in evolutia noastra ca specie umana. Cu totii, intr-un fel sau altul, devenim asemanatori cu oamenii Indigo sau de Cristal. Ei sunt aici sa ne arate calea, astfel incat informatia sa-si poata gasi aplicarea in noi toti in general, pe masura ce facem tranzitia catre urmatorul stadiu al dezvoltarii si evolutiei noastre.
Copiii Indigo se incarneaza pe Pamant de 100 de ani incoace. Primii oameni Indigo au fost pionieri si deschizatori de drumuri. Dupa al doilea razboi mondial, s-au nascut in numar semnificativ, si acestia sunt adultii Indigo de azi. Totusi in anii `70 s-a nascut un val mare de oameni Indigo astfel ca acum avem o intreaga generatie de oameni Indigo care acum sunt in jurul varstei de 30 de ani si care sunt pe cale a-si ocupa locurile ca leaderi in lume. Oamenii Indigo au continuat sa se nasca pana prin anul 2000, cu abilitati crescande si grade sofisticate de creativitate si tehnologie.
Copiii de Cristal au inceput sa apara pe planeta in jurul anului 2000, desi unii ii dateaza usor mai tarziu. Acestia sunt copii extrem de puternici, al caror scop principal este sa ne duca catre urmatorul nivel in evolutia noastra, si sa ne reveleze puterea noastra interioara si divinitatea noastra. Ei functioneaza ca o constiinta de grup mai degraba decat ca indivizi, si ei traiesc prin “Legea lui Unu” sau Constiinta Unitatii. Ei sunt o forta puternica pentru dragoste si pace pe planeta.
Adultii Indigo si de Cristal sunt formati din doua grupuri. In primul, sunt cei care s-au nascut Indigo si acum realizeaza tranzitia catre Cristal. Asta inseamna ca sufera o transformare fizica si spirituala care le trezeste constiinta “Cristica” sau “Cristalina” si ii leaga de copiii de cristal ca parte a undei evolutive a schimbarii. In cel de-al doilea grup intra cei care s-au nascut fara aceste calitati, dar le-au achizitionat sau sunt in curs de a le achizitiona prin propria lor stradanie si urmarirea cu staruinta a cararii spirituale. Da, asta inseamna ca toti avem potentialul de a deveni parte din grupul de inaltare al “ingerilor umani”.
Urmatorul extras descrie diferenta dintre Copiii Indigo si cei de Cristal. Acest extras este din articolul lui Doreen Virtue, Copiii Indigo si de Cristal:
Primul lucru pe care cei mai multi oameni il observa la Copiii de Cristal sunt ochii lor, mari, patrunzatori si inteligenti peste varsta lor. Ochii lor iti retin privirea si te hipnotizeaza, in timp ce realizezi ca sufletul ti-e dezvelit ca sa-l poata copilul vedea. Probabil ca ati observat aceasta noua “semintie” de copii populand rapid planeta noastra. Ei sunt voiosi, incantatori si iertatori. Aceasta generatie de noi lucratori ai luminii, cu varste aproximativ intre 0 si 7 ani, sunt ca nici o alta generatie.  Ideali in multe privinte, ei sunt indicatoarele pentru directia in care se indreapta omenirea … si este o directie buna!
Copiii mai in varsta (aproximativ intre 7 si 25 de ani), numiti “Copiii indigo”, impartasesc anumite caracteristici cu Copiii de Cristal. Ambele generatii sunt foarte senzitive si mediumnice, si au scopuri importante in viata. Principala diferenta este temperamentul lor. Cei Indigo au un spirit de razboinic, deoarece telul lor colectiv este sa zdrobeasca vechile sisteme care nu ne mai sunt de folos. Ei sunt aici sa anuleze sistemele guvernamentale, educationale si legale carora le lipseste integritatea. Pentru a atinge acest tel, ei au nevoie de temperament si determinare arzatoare.
Acei adulti care rezista schimbarii si care pretuiesc conformismul se poate sa-i inteleaga gresit pe cei Indigo. Adesea acestia sunt etichetati in mod gresit cu diagnostice psihiatrice cum ar fi Sindromul Atentiei Deficitare Hiperactive (SADH) sau Sindromul Atentiei Deficitare (SAD). Din pacate, atunci cand acestia sunt sub medicatie, persoanele Indigo isi pierd adesea senzitivitatea lor frumoasa, darurile spirituale si energia de luptator… In comparatie, Copiii de Cristal sunt binecuvantati si echilibrati temperamental. Sigur, si ei pot avea ocazional accese de furie, dar acesti copii sunt foarte iertatori si placuti. Cristalinii sunt generatia care beneficiaza de valvataia raspandita de cei Indigo. Mai intai, Copiii Indigo au condus cu sabia, taind orice lucru caruia ii lipsea integritatea. Apoi Copiii de Cristal au calcat pe cararea curatata, intr-o lume mai protejata si mult mai sigura.
Termenii “Indigo” si “Cristal” au fost dati acestor doua generatii deoarece ei descriu cu cea mai mare acuratete culorile aurei lor si modelele energetice. Copiii Indigo au o multitudine de albastru-indigo in aura lor. Aceasta este culoarea “chakrei celui de-al treilea ochi”, care reprezinta centrul energetic din creier localizat intre cele doua sprancene. Aceasta chakra regleaza clarvederea, sau abilitatea de a vedea energia, viziuni si spirite. Multi dintre copiii Indigo sunt clarvazatori.
Copiii de Cristal au aure opalescente, cu culori multiple minunate in tonuri pastelate. Aceasta generatie da dovada de asemenea de fascinatie pentru cristale si pietre …
Copiii Indigo pot simti lipsa de onestitate, asa cum un catel poate simti frica. Persoanele Indigo stiu cand sunt mintite, luate peste picioar sau manipulate. Si devreme ce scopul lor colectiv este sa ne plaseze intr-o lume noua, a integritatii, detectoarele interioare de minciuni ale celor Indigo sunt integrale. Asa cum am amintit mai devreme, acest spirit de razboinic este amenintator pentru unii adulti. Astfel ca, persoanele Indigo nu sunt capabile sa se conformeze situatiilor disfunctionale de acasa, de la serviciu sau de la scoala. Ei nu au abilitatea de a se disocia de sentimentele lor si sa pretinda ca totul e O.K. … numai in cazul in care sunt sub medicatie sau sedati.
Darurile spirituale innascute ale Copiilor de Cristal sunt de asemenea neintelese. Mai exact, abilitatile lor telepatice care-i determina sa inceapa sa vorbeasca mai tarziu.
In noua lume pe care persoanele Indigo o inaugureaza, vom fi cu totii mai constienti de gandurile si sentimentele noastre intuitive. Nu ne vom mai baza asa de mult pe cuvantul scris sau vorbit. Comunicarea va fi mai rapida, mai directa, si mai onesta, pentru ca va fi de la minte la minte. Deja, un numar tot mai mare dintre noi luam contact cu abilitatile noastre psihice. Interesul nostru pentru paranormal este tot timpul ridicat, acompaniat de carti, emisiuni televizate si filme pe aceasta tema.

Astfel ca, nu este surprinzator faptul ca generatia care urmeaza celei Indigo este incredibil e telepatica. Multi dintre Copiii de Cristal si-au amanat modelele de vorbire si nu este neobisnuit pentru ei sa astepte pana la 3 sau 4 ani sa inceapa vorbirea. Dar parintii imi spun ca nu ai nici o problema in a comunica cu copiii lor tacuti. Nici pe departe! Parintii se angajeaza intr-o comunicare minte-la-minte cu Copiii lor de Cristal. Si acestia folosesc o combinatie de telepatie, limbaj al semnelor propriu creat si sunete (inclusiv cantecul) pentru a se exprima.
Problema apare  cand Cristalinii sunt catalogati de personalul medical si educational ca avand modele de vorbire “anormale”. Nu este o coincidenta faptul ca pe masura ce se nasc tot mai multi Cristalini, numarul de diagnostice de autism este tot mai mare.
Este adevarat ca, Copiii de Cristal sunt diferiti fata de alte generatii. Dar de ce trebuie sa patologizam aceste diferente? Daca copiii comunica cu succes acasa, si parintii nu declara nici o problema… atunci de ce sa incercam cream o problema? Criteriul de diagnostic pentru autism este destul de clar. El arata ca o persoana autista traieste in propria ei lume, si este deconectata de alti oameni. Persoana autista nu vorbeste din cauza unei indiferente fata de comunicarea cu altii.
Copiii de Cristal sunt chiar opusul. Ei sunt printre cei mai conectati, comunicativi, iubitori si lingusitori dintre oricare generatie. Ei sunt de asemenea destul de inzestrati cu daruri filozofice si spirituale. In plus ei arata un nivel fara precedent de bunatate si sensibilitate acestei lumi. Copiii de Cristal imbratiseaza spontan si sunt grijulii cu oamenii la nevoie. O persoana autista nu ar face asta!
In cartea mea ” si Hranirea Copiilor Indigo”, am scris ca SADH ar trebui sa insemne Atentie Formata intr-o Dimensiune Superioara. Aceasta ar descrie cu mai multa acuratete aceasta generatie. In acelasi ton, Copiii de Cristal nu justifica o eticheta de autism. Ei nu sunt autisti! Ei sunt ADMIRA-tistici!
Acesti copii sunt demni de admiratie, nu de etichetat cu disfunctii. Daca cineva este disfunctional, acelea sunt sistemele care nu se acomodeaza la evolutia continua a speciei umane. Daca ii injosim pe copii cu etichete, sau ii medicam pentru supunere, vom submina un dar trimis din ceruri. Vom zdrobi o civilizatie inainte ca ea sa aiba timp sa prinda radacini. Din fericire, exista multe solutii pozitive si alternative. Si acelasi cer care ne-a trimis Copiii de Cristal ii poate asista pe aceia dintre noi care sunt avocatii copiilor…

Was Michael Jackson An Indigo Child?

Published by Nancy at 11:48
Short answer is:  maybe.
While I was not a huge fan of Michael Jackson (his style of music wasn’t my taste), I was certainly aware of him ~ and the undeniable charismic energy he carried.  So far as I know, he never took an Indigo assessment, or in any way implied that he was aware that he might carry Indigo energy.  But from what he wrote, from his music, and from certain elements of his tormented life, it seems plausible to me that he very well may have been Indigo.
And if that’s true, then it’s also pretty clear that he wasn’t seeking the best spiritual support team to help him better use his significant talents.  I’m not going to go into the controversies about his life (and there are so many it will probably take years to discover the truth behind his extremely private ~ often paranoid ~ personal world) ~  nor into the controversies surrounding his financial affairs.
But what I would like to address are the ways that Michael Jackson led a lonely life, by his own admission, and how the help that might have sustained him was there, but he apparently turned instead to comforts of the moment, some of which may have contributed to his untimely and mysterious death.  His life was all about performing, expressing a message in forms of his own design, and connecting with others mostly remotely — from a distance.
He was a very Aquarian figure — focused on many of the large issues of our times, caring, and completely unique and unusual.  As a star on the international scene, few ever shone brighter — or flamed out so tragically. His life was in many ways very sad; and so was his death.
Let me be a voice for compassion here ~ and remember Michael Jackson as someone with a vision, many Indigo traits, and a voice that kept trying to touch us in ways he could not otherwise.  Michael aspired to touch the soul of the world — and for many of us, his music did that.  He reminded us about redemption, and a higher vision.  He clearly saw into realms that ordinary people never consider; he saw what is possible and tried to tell us about it.   Sometimes he succeeded, even when it shocked us.
He blazed trails courageously, sometimes where angels fear to tread.   He was “in our face” about gender identity and what it means to be male in a world that lags behind those who dare to take us into many kinds of possible futures.  Unfortunately, his message wasn’t always clear or coherent.  Maybe he was working his way up to that.  Now we may never know what he hoped, what he intended, and what his true vision for humanity was.
I’ve heard that there are around 100 unreleased new Michael Jackson songs; perhaps the rest of his message is in them.  I for one hope that his brilliant mind and soul sings through loud and clear on some of them.  Michael was both a cultural icon as well as an iconoclast.
Goodbye, Michael.  My prayers are for you to now find the peace that seems to have eluded you while you were here.  God speed on your path, wherever it leads you from here.

I’m sure everyone knows what they were doing when you heard the announced that Michael Jackson had passed away. I know I can. I was in shock, but nothing like so many others. The following morning, I woke up at 4:30 am and I was in tears for hours, on June 26, 2010, I had to teach a class and it was extremely hard.

Since Michael Jackson’s passing, there is not a day that goes by when Michael Jackson comes into my life one way or another, and I do mean every day. At first, I could not understand why, recently, I have come to understand. In a past reading, I found out that he and I had a past life together and he is part of my monad. What does this mean? He is part of my spiritual linage. My soul is mourning. As an indigo forerunner, I can tell you that Michael was truly and Indigo Forerunner in every way.

I was never a huge fan, I like so many, I grew up with the Jackson 5, however, I never purchased a record. Wow, if we recall how records were sold as 45 records, can you recall what they where like. But, as I stated, I never did go crazy for them.

My husband Ray and I have been to numerous concerts, We saw Prince 3 times, Genesis 3 times, Billy Joel, the Cars, Styx, Priest the list goes on and on. How I wish I had gone today.

In 1993, Michael was accused of child molestation and again, in 2005 and was put on trial in 2005. I am so glad I did not get caught up in the mass media, what I see today is a prosecutor that was determined to put Michael Jackson in Jail no matter what; along with greedy parents in both cases, I have to say again, I am so glad I did not. I am an intuitive, when I went within, I felt that he was innocent, perhaps that’s why I did not get sucked in.

In watching all of the shows, I found out that the case in 1993, were the child claimed to have seen Michael’s penis, the pictures did not match up with the child’s statement. And the father was recorded in stating that he was going to bring Michael Jackson down. He was after money 

 The 2005, he was proven innocent, however, I believe that the case killed Michael inside. Looking at his face while he walked out, you could see that he died during the trial. For the mother and the father of 1993 and in the 2005 case, if you ever read this, “You should be ashamed of yourself, both of you.”

For the past several months, I have been guided to write an article about Michael Jackson, if you look at the traits, of an Indigo Forerunner and the symptoms of the spiritual Awakening, a spiritual counselor or spiritual adviser such as Deepak Chopra would of known that Michael was going through his Spiritual Awakening. And Michael has so many of the traits of an Indigo Forerunner and one going through the Awakening.

During the past 2 past years, I have watched so many segments and documentaries, of his life and what he was really all about, he was about giving. A person who admitted that the music came from heaven and he was channeling it in, he stated this, and had no problem doing so. I never knew that Michael was spiritual. I also found out about his Heal the world foundation and became a member of the foundation, however, with all I am hearing about the people who surrounded him and the greed not only of his father, but also of the music business, between the manager, publicist, Sony, Attorney’s, AEG and Physicians. I can only imagine how much money they are making today.

But in his heart, he was a giver and a loner, like millions of other people on this planet today. In one magazine, I was looking through, he stated, “I am the loneliest person on the planet.” A person with such a big family and whom millions if not billions of people loved. I have to say, I can relate to Michael, I also come from a big family, and growing up, I felt all alone and continue to feel alone. What gives me comfort these days is helping others and helping them to fine their way.

Michael always felt strongly about giving to others in need, not only in the performance sense, in 1992, Michael opened The Heal the World foundation and opened up Neverland Ranch and allowed underprivileged and sick children in so they could enjoy the theme park rides. He wanted to give them a sense of hope and happiness. On a larger scale, the foundation sent millions of dollars around the globe to help poverty stricken children, children threatened by war, poverty, and disease.

He knew that the key to helping more people break free from the shekels of poverty was to give more, which was why he decided to donate his entire profits of his Dangerous world tour to the Heal the World Foundation. After performing to 3.5 million people over the course of 67 concerts, he raised over one hundred million dollars of relief. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes with charities through out the world. Before going to his many concerts, he would go to orphanages even before going to his hotel and he spent time with the children. He worked so hard to shine the light on victims of poverty.

This was particularly apparent in 1995 when he went to the Sai community in Copacapella Brazil to shoot his video “They Really Don’t Care About Us.” All though officials tried to ban the production team from filming in the Sai town of Rio de Janeiro’s, for fear images of the tour might affect tourism, again, it comes to the almighty dollar instead of showing the truth.

Michael went head to head with the bureaucratic officials, in order to show the world how some people where forced to live.  

Another of interest to Michael Jackson was the poverty situation in Africa, in his words:

“There must be a global resolve that the 21st Century will bring about caring and protection of our children and above all Universal Love.”

Another issue close to Michael Jackson’s heart was HIV Aids, long before it became popular as a cause, he helped draw public attention to the disease. Particularly, with a highly profiled case involving a young boy called Ryan White, who had contracted the virus through a contaminated blood treatment. With HIV Aids still largely controversial at the time, Michael went out on a limb with the Clinton Administration and publicly pleaded with the administration to give more money to HIV Aids charities and research.

There is so much more work on his humanitarian side; he would pay for children who had cancer whose parents could not pay. Other causes, Victims in Bosnia, Stopping of chopping of tress around the world, especially in the Amazon, He reached out to people and government, Environments of degradation.

With all that this man has done, I find that when it comes to the media, they are happy to report gossip and untruth, however, when it comes to printing the truth, they don’t want to hear about it.
Here is an article that I found regarding the child molestation and the truth told by the boy himself.

Jordan Chandler father Evan Chandler committed suicide (photo)
By Clarencia Cynrae on June 27th, 2009

In early August, Chandler, a registered dentist, extracted a tooth from his son’s mouth, and was later forced to admit that he used the controversial sedative sodium Amytal during the procedure. Under the influence of the drug, Jordan alleged that Jackson had touched his penis. Experts state that the drug sodium Amytal “makes patients extremely susceptible to suggestions”

Michael Jackson made a civil suit settlement with Chandler for $22 million. Jordan Chandler refused to testify in the criminal proceedings against Jackson. The Chandler family used the money to buy properties.

The investigators looked at Michael Jackson’s nude body to check for the descriptive markings. They had to conclude Chandler’s description was not a definitive match. Was Chandler lying? The verdict after the trial vindicated Jackson. By then Chandler had changed his stance and refused to testify in the other trial on the criminal proceedings against Jackson for sexual abuse of a minor. Michael Jackson’s ordeal lasted from 1993 – May 2005. The state’s criminal trial and verdict were concluded in May 2005. Michael Jackson was declared innocent of the charges.

What am I getting at? Michael Jackson is an Indigo Forerunner who was going through his awakening. He had no problem admitting to the fact that his music was channeled and he new it.

What are the traits of an Indigo Soul?Every trait I name is an indigo trait and Michael Jackson had every one of them. Remember these traits are more for the forerunners, although many can be applied to today’s indigo’s, but not all.

Extremely sensitive, creative, intuitive, able to multi-task, independent, intelligent, Love Unconditionally, ability to memorize what they hear, born with a knowing of “right from wrong”, appear and many become loners, seek to avoid conflict, feels as an outcast / black sheep of the family, hard to communicate, feels misunderstood, can experience intense anger.

On a spiritual sense: have the ability to feel, sense, smell or hear angels, guides and lost souls, search for soul family, ability to have out of body experiences, ability of foresight, empathic, spiritually evolved, humanitarians, peacemakers, visionaries, natural born energy healers.

The traits and physical symptoms of the Awakening: depression, disease, despair, illness, body aches, anxiety, panic attacks, isolation, violent, anger, fearful, emotional outburst, crying over anything and everything, not wanting to do anything or be with anyone. Begin to relive and re-evaluate your life. Finding your life purpose, dwell over choices made in the past, a feeling of worthlessness, fluctuation in body temperature (waking up in sweats), not feeling as part of the family. At the same time you can experience feeling tired / malaise / lethargy, increased intuition, increased sensitivity to energy of others, increased empathic abilities to others feelings, waking up 3:30 in the morning or not sleeping et all, feeling a void in gut, this creates a heaviness, pressure in the middle of the chest, hard to breathe

These symptoms may come on all of a sudden and you many wonder what is happening to me, am I going crazy? You are going through the Awakening. Your energy and vibration is rising.  Your DNA is changing. There is a clash between the old energy and the new energy coming in. There is a clash between what you already know to be true and the Wisdom of Truth you were born with coming in intuitively. Some may have been going through this process for a number of years, but others are just beginning. This awakening is the result of a shift between the Age of Pisces, and Age of Aquarius

Those born prior to 1970 came in with a huge wave of Indigo’s, those born 1969 and prior, there is a good chance that you are an indigo soul, 29 percent of all humanity born prior to 1969 is an indigo forerunner. If you feel an urge that you are here with a purpose, we would like to talk with you.

The Harmonic Convergence happened in July 7, 1987, since then, higher frequencies have been coming down through the stargates and onto the earth. I am finding that so many people are experiencing these very same symptoms. I am currently writing a book on the Awakening and how it can affect your life.

Michael Jackson had a Rabbi and Spiritual leader Deepak Chopra with him, why didn’t they put the two together. I wish I could have met him, just to help him understand what he was going through; perhaps he would still be here.

Michael created the Heal the World Foundation, however, I have to wonder if the attorneys of the estate and his mother are still putting financial help towards the causes that touched his heart the most; I have the Crystal Healing Foundation and Voices Around the World.  I am not looking for any money, although, it could help. I know if he were still here, he would be greatly interested in what I am doing, and I do believe he would have helped financially.

I have used my own money to begin this, opening 3 web sites, traveling to lecture and teach, helping people by listening and providing crystal healing, energy healing, energy balancing, Adam Kadmon Activations, removing debris from the 7 major chakras, etc. I can offer so much, but like so many, I live pay check to pay check.

No one person can do it alone, we must all come together, we each carry a piece of the puzzle, lets put the pieces together and create a positive change. So many people have their own organization and I am not asking you to close yours down and become one with mine, we can all have our own companies, what I am saying is lets begin to work together.

He as I believe it must begin with us, so our children does not suffer the same fate. So many are labeled with add, adhd and autism. The older generation, my generation, even those still in their teens, we have all been brain washed to certain beliefs, it must stop and must begin with us. Why is it that so many people must suffer just to survive, while others can live life of glamour? What we have forgotten is that we are all equal, all the same. If I met the Pope, President, even Michael Jackson, they are no better then I am. In god’s eyes, those who help others from their heart, not only in big ways, even in small ways, will be the ones who are rewarded.

The younger generation of today elected President Obama as our current president, my age group, those from 50 – 20 years of age, I believe if we come together, we could change this world. So, I ask for your help, in whatever way you can. Yes, money, donations will help, but if you have a passion, a story to tell and want to help the planet, the children, then I ask you to help this cause.

The children, they are born innocent. They are born with unconditional love, peace, harmony, joy, a wonderment of life. God Bless Michael Jackson for keeping that inner child alive.

Can you remember those days, think about it: they live in the moment; this is how we should live. This is how our children wake up. As adults, we should wake up thinking, who can I help today, how can I create change today, where can I go or who can I talk with today and have an exciting time doing it instead of waking up with stress, fear, anger, or replaying a scenario from yesterday?

So many light workers, talk about living in the light, yet I find that so many, not all, but many live in their ego. Please, do not get me wrong; their are some who do come from their heart. However, we all need to change the way we live our life.

We need to Live the Walk not just Talk the Talk!!! Just as Jesus Christ did.
Our children are not born with judgment, fear, and anger. Our children learn these emotions from the adults who surround them. They look to us for so much. As infants, they look to mommy and daddy to do it all, feed them, change them, love them when they cry and when they laugh,

Imagine if a child wakes up hearing arguing, this will create fear, anxiety, and negativity, later on in life; it becomes depression, anger, and even violence. Why do you think the shootings are happening in the schools?

Help me make this change for our future and for our children’s future, as Michael stated at the end of “This is It” video, we have 2 years to get it right, after that, the damage is reversible.

Love and Light
Lisa Bellini
Copyright © 2010
I’m sure everyone knows what they were doing when you heard the announced that Michael Jackson had passed away. I know I can. I was in shock, but nothing like so many others. The following morning, I woke up at 4:30 am and I was in tears for hours, on June 26, 2010, I had to teach a class and it was extremely hard.

Since Michael Jackson’s passing, there is not a day that goes by when Michael Jackson comes into my life one way or another, and I do mean every day. At first, I could not understand why, recently, I have come to understand. In a past reading, I found out that he and I had a past life together and he is part of my monad. What does this mean? He is part of my spiritual linage. My soul is mourning. As an indigo forerunner, I can tell you that Michael was truly and Indigo Forerunner in every way.

I was never a huge fan, I like so many, I grew up with the Jackson 5, however, I never purchased a record. Wow, if we recall how records were sold as 45 records, can you recall what they where like. But, as I stated, I never did go crazy for them.

My husband Ray and I have been to numerous concerts, We saw Prince 3 times, Genesis 3 times, Billy Joel, the Cars, Styx, Priest the list goes on and on. How I wish I had gone today.

In 1993, Michael was accused of child molestation and again, in 2005 and was put on trial in 2005. I am so glad I did not get caught up in the mass media, what I see today is a prosecutor that was determined to put Michael Jackson in Jail no matter what; along with greedy parents in both cases, I have to say again, I am so glad I did not. I am an intuitive, when I went within, I felt that he was innocent, perhaps that’s why I did not get sucked in.

In watching all of the shows, I found out that the case in 1993, were the child claimed to have seen Michael’s penis, the pictures did not match up with the child’s statement. And the father was recorded in stating that he was going to bring Michael Jackson down. He was after money 

 The 2005, he was proven innocent, however, I believe that the case killed Michael inside. Looking at his face while he walked out, you could see that he died during the trial. For the mother and the father of 1993 and in the 2005 case, if you ever read this, “You should be ashamed of yourself, both of you.”

For the past several months, I have been guided to write an article about Michael Jackson, if you look at the traits, of an Indigo Forerunner and the symptoms of the spiritual Awakening, a spiritual counselor or spiritual adviser such as Deepak Chopra would of known that Michael was going through his Spiritual Awakening. And Michael has so many of the traits of an Indigo Forerunner and one going through the Awakening.

During the past 2 past years, I have watched so many segments and documentaries, of his life and what he was really all about, he was about giving. A person who admitted that the music came from heaven and he was channeling it in, he stated this, and had no problem doing so. I never knew that Michael was spiritual. I also found out about his Heal the world foundation and became a member of the foundation, however, with all I am hearing about the people who surrounded him and the greed not only of his father, but also of the music business, between the manager, publicist, Sony, Attorney’s, AEG and Physicians. I can only imagine how much money they are making today.

But in his heart, he was a giver and a loner, like millions of other people on this planet today. In one magazine, I was looking through, he stated, “I am the loneliest person on the planet.” A person with such a big family and whom millions if not billions of people loved. I have to say, I can relate to Michael, I also come from a big family, and growing up, I felt all alone and continue to feel alone. What gives me comfort these days is helping others and helping them to fine their way.

Michael always felt strongly about giving to others in need, not only in the performance sense, in 1992, Michael opened The Heal the World foundation and opened up Neverland Ranch and allowed underprivileged and sick children in so they could enjoy the theme park rides. He wanted to give them a sense of hope and happiness. On a larger scale, the foundation sent millions of dollars around the globe to help poverty stricken children, children threatened by war, poverty, and disease.

He knew that the key to helping more people break free from the shekels of poverty was to give more, which was why he decided to donate his entire profits of his Dangerous world tour to the Heal the World Foundation. After performing to 3.5 million people over the course of 67 concerts, he raised over one hundred million dollars of relief. He worked tirelessly behind the scenes with charities through out the world. Before going to his many concerts, he would go to orphanages even before going to his hotel and he spent time with the children. He worked so hard to shine the light on victims of poverty.

This was particularly apparent in 1995 when he went to the Sai community in Copacapella Brazil to shoot his video “They Really Don’t Care About Us.” All though officials tried to ban the production team from filming in the Sai town of Rio de Janeiro’s, for fear images of the tour might affect tourism, again, it comes to the almighty dollar instead of showing the truth.

Michael went head to head with the bureaucratic officials, in order to show the world how some people where forced to live.  

Another of interest to Michael Jackson was the poverty situation in Africa, in his words:

“There must be a global resolve that the 21st Century will bring about caring and protection of our children and above all Universal Love.”

Another issue close to Michael Jackson’s heart was HIV Aids, long before it became popular as a cause, he helped draw public attention to the disease. Particularly, with a highly profiled case involving a young boy called Ryan White, who had contracted the virus through a contaminated blood treatment. With HIV Aids still largely controversial at the time, Michael went out on a limb with the Clinton Administration and publicly pleaded with the administration to give more money to HIV Aids charities and research.

There is so much more work on his humanitarian side; he would pay for children who had cancer whose parents could not pay. Other causes, Victims in Bosnia, Stopping of chopping of tress around the world, especially in the Amazon, He reached out to people and government, Environments of degradation.

With all that this man has done, I find that when it comes to the media, they are happy to report gossip and untruth, however, when it comes to printing the truth, they don’t want to hear about it.
Here is an article that I found regarding the child molestation and the truth told by the boy himself.

Jordan Chandler father Evan Chandler committed suicide (photo)
By Clarencia Cynrae on June 27th, 2009

In early August, Chandler, a registered dentist, extracted a tooth from his son’s mouth, and was later forced to admit that he used the controversial sedative sodium Amytal during the procedure. Under the influence of the drug, Jordan alleged that Jackson had touched his penis. Experts state that the drug sodium Amytal “makes patients extremely susceptible to suggestions”

Michael Jackson made a civil suit settlement with Chandler for $22 million. Jordan Chandler refused to testify in the criminal proceedings against Jackson. The Chandler family used the money to buy properties.

The investigators looked at Michael Jackson’s nude body to check for the descriptive markings. They had to conclude Chandler’s description was not a definitive match. Was Chandler lying? The verdict after the trial vindicated Jackson. By then Chandler had changed his stance and refused to testify in the other trial on the criminal proceedings against Jackson for sexual abuse of a minor. Michael Jackson’s ordeal lasted from 1993 – May 2005. The state’s criminal trial and verdict were concluded in May 2005. Michael Jackson was declared innocent of the charges.

What am I getting at? Michael Jackson is an Indigo Forerunner who was going through his awakening. He had no problem admitting to the fact that his music was channeled and he new it.

What are the traits of an Indigo Soul?Every trait I name is an indigo trait and Michael Jackson had every one of them. Remember these traits are more for the forerunners, although many can be applied to today’s indigo’s, but not all.

Extremely sensitive, creative, intuitive, able to multi-task, independent, intelligent, Love Unconditionally, ability to memorize what they hear, born with a knowing of “right from wrong”, appear and many become loners, seek to avoid conflict, feels as an outcast / black sheep of the family, hard to communicate, feels misunderstood, can experience intense anger.

On a spiritual sense: have the ability to feel, sense, smell or hear angels, guides and lost souls, search for soul family, ability to have out of body experiences, ability of foresight, empathic, spiritually evolved, humanitarians, peacemakers, visionaries, natural born energy healers.

The traits and physical symptoms of the Awakening: depression, disease, despair, illness, body aches, anxiety, panic attacks, isolation, violent, anger, fearful, emotional outburst, crying over anything and everything, not wanting to do anything or be with anyone. Begin to relive and re-evaluate your life. Finding your life purpose, dwell over choices made in the past, a feeling of worthlessness, fluctuation in body temperature (waking up in sweats), not feeling as part of the family. At the same time you can experience feeling tired / malaise / lethargy, increased intuition, increased sensitivity to energy of others, increased empathic abilities to others feelings, waking up 3:30 in the morning or not sleeping et all, feeling a void in gut, this creates a heaviness, pressure in the middle of the chest, hard to breathe

These symptoms may come on all of a sudden and you many wonder what is happening to me, am I going crazy? You are going through the Awakening. Your energy and vibration is rising.  Your DNA is changing. There is a clash between the old energy and the new energy coming in. There is a clash between what you already know to be true and the Wisdom of Truth you were born with coming in intuitively. Some may have been going through this process for a number of years, but others are just beginning. This awakening is the result of a shift between the Age of Pisces, and Age of Aquarius

Those born prior to 1970 came in with a huge wave of Indigo’s, those born 1969 and prior, there is a good chance that you are an indigo soul, 29 percent of all humanity born prior to 1969 is an indigo forerunner. If you feel an urge that you are here with a purpose, we would like to talk with you.

The Harmonic Convergence happened in July 7, 1987, since then, higher frequencies have been coming down through the stargates and onto the earth. I am finding that so many people are experiencing these very same symptoms. I am currently writing a book on the Awakening and how it can affect your life.

Michael Jackson had a Rabbi and Spiritual leader Deepak Chopra with him, why didn’t they put the two together. I wish I could have met him, just to help him understand what he was going through; perhaps he would still be here.

Michael created the Heal the World Foundation, however, I have to wonder if the attorneys of the estate and his mother are still putting financial help towards the causes that touched his heart the most; I have the Crystal Healing Foundation and Voices Around the World.  I am not looking for any money, although, it could help. I know if he were still here, he would be greatly interested in what I am doing, and I do believe he would have helped financially.

I have used my own money to begin this, opening 3 web sites, traveling to lecture and teach, helping people by listening and providing crystal healing, energy healing, energy balancing, Adam Kadmon Activations, removing debris from the 7 major chakras, etc. I can offer so much, but like so many, I live pay check to pay check.

No one person can do it alone, we must all come together, we each carry a piece of the puzzle, lets put the pieces together and create a positive change. So many people have their own organization and I am not asking you to close yours down and become one with mine, we can all have our own companies, what I am saying is lets begin to work together.

He as I believe it must begin with us, so our children does not suffer the same fate. So many are labeled with add, adhd and autism. The older generation, my generation, even those still in their teens, we have all been brain washed to certain beliefs, it must stop and must begin with us. Why is it that so many people must suffer just to survive, while others can live life of glamour? What we have forgotten is that we are all equal, all the same. If I met the Pope, President, even Michael Jackson, they are no better then I am. In god’s eyes, those who help others from their heart, not only in big ways, even in small ways, will be the ones who are rewarded.

The younger generation of today elected President Obama as our current president, my age group, those from 50 – 20 years of age, I believe if we come together, we could change this world. So, I ask for your help, in whatever way you can. Yes, money, donations will help, but if you have a passion, a story to tell and want to help the planet, the children, then I ask you to help this cause.

The children, they are born innocent. They are born with unconditional love, peace, harmony, joy, a wonderment of life. God Bless Michael Jackson for keeping that inner child alive.

Can you remember those days, think about it: they live in the moment; this is how we should live. This is how our children wake up. As adults, we should wake up thinking, who can I help today, how can I create change today, where can I go or who can I talk with today and have an exciting time doing it instead of waking up with stress, fear, anger, or replaying a scenario from yesterday?

So many light workers, talk about living in the light, yet I find that so many, not all, but many live in their ego. Please, do not get me wrong; their are some who do come from their heart. However, we all need to change the way we live our life.

We need to Live the Walk not just Talk the Talk!!! Just as Jesus Christ did.
Our children are not born with judgment, fear, and anger. Our children learn these emotions from the adults who surround them. They look to us for so much. As infants, they look to mommy and daddy to do it all, feed them, change them, love them when they cry and when they laugh,

Imagine if a child wakes up hearing arguing, this will create fear, anxiety, and negativity, later on in life; it becomes depression, anger, and even violence. Why do you think the shootings are happening in the schools?

Help me make this change for our future and for our children’s future, as Michael stated at the end of “This is It” video, we have 2 years to get it right, after that, the damage is reversible.

Love and Light
Lisa Bellini
Copyright © 2010
For those who would like further information, please go to
or www.crystalhealingfoundation.com
Michael Jackson wrote the song Heal the World  and Earth Song from his heart, this was his passion to heal the world and to bring the truth of our planet and to show us how people are suffering around the planet. We are all equal in God's eyes. No one any better then another. He has passed into spirit, however we can still work together to keep his and GOD'S dream alive. Lets work together to Heal this World...

Michael Jackson; "They don't care about us"
It's been stated that Michael Jackson was a serious drug addict. The details that have been related are quite horrific and it sounds like he consumed the contents of entire pharmacies.
OK...but at age 50, the man was healthy enough to be preparing for a series of 50 live shows in a venue that can hold up to 23,000.
Have you ever danced all night? Have you ever danced all night fifty nights in front of thousands of people? Have you ever danced at Michael Jackson's level?
Video of rehearsals shot just before he died indicate that Jackson could still move well. No one who was anything less than a superbly conditioned athlete could have pulled off the series of performances he was about to embark on.
That's not to say that Jackson was not an athlete with a drug problem, but is it possible that the severity of his drug problem might have been exaggerated just a tad? How many serious drug abusers do you know who at the age of 50 could set out on a program like this?
The reasons I ask...
Have you ever seen the prison version of the music video for his song "They don't really care about us"
I confess I never have until recently. The way it portrayed the world it could have been a promo for Alex Jones' Prison Planet web site!
Clearly, before he died, Jackson had made a definite shift from pure entertainment to entertainment with a strong social statement component - and his commentary was not flattering to the powers that be.
It must be a great relief to those who don't want the pot stirred that Jackson accidentally, coincidentally, and conveniently died because of his ghastly addiction to drugs right before he was primed to to explode again on the word scene.

Medium: Jorge Olguin
Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont
Entity that came to dialogue: Ron Hubbard (founder of Dianetics and Scientology).
Interlocutor: Who are the so-called “Indigo Children” that many people have been talking about? Are they real?
Ron Hubbard: No, they don't exist, it is an entire fantasy. There are child prodigies who at 4 years old they start writing, they know how to play music and every time more children are born with those abilities. It’s not that homo sapiens sapiens jumps directly to the homo mutants, or something like that. What happens is that the mental decoder of these children is growing in such way that they can already perceive a bigger amount of concepts.
If you remember what Einstein said that the human being uses only a 11% of the brain, what he meant was that the human beings use around 11% to 15% of the mental decoder.
What you have to keep in mind is that such race of children doesn't exist, because if something like that existed, like so many people erroneously spread all over the internet, they would not be superior to the normal homo sapiens sapiens, because we are speaking of shy children, and even some of them are bad-tempered when they are very small.
Do you remember the first dialogues we had in 1997? In those first sessions of the Grupo Elron, we spoke about the apocryphal Gospels, and one of them [1] mentions that during the Infancy of Jesus, the Master killed a boy in retaliation because he had bumped him on the shoulder and Joseph grabbing his ear forced him that he resurrect him.
If that gospel were true, it undoubtedly demerit the spirit of Jesus because a pure spirit as his spirit is, is Pure from the beginning , he would not be vengeful as a child, he would not be dominated by his ego in that way.
If the indigo children were the saviours of the race like these people say, they would have to be like Jesus, that is to say, pure from the beginning. However, when the researchers describe them, they characterize them like evil children, completely introverted, not talkative and bad-tempered.
Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understand what you want to tell me. the indigo children don’t exist in the way they describe them?
Ron Hubbard: The indigo children exist in the way I have described them, but not in the way these people want to make people believe they exist. That is a total fallacy.
I will be practical. If the indigo children existed they would be gathered, let’s say ten parents that have them, they would appear on TV and they would say: "Look, Here it is the new race of mutants!, Jack, four years old, Peter, five years old, William, six years old... They are indigo children, all of you can see that they are all blondes, of blue eyes, with the skin totally white, they are sages You can can ask them any question about trigonometry and they will respond it with accuracy."
Have you watched in some TV program something like that?
Interlocutor: Obviously not.
Ron Hubbard: Then what? Are they hidden? Don’t they have parents or relatives? Why don't the parents gather them? Etc., etc. Now, if these psychos, Pseudo Masters of Light that say that they locate indigo children, they are camouflaged in kinder gardens with other common children, that sounds preposterous.
Interlocutor: Then, the only thing real is that there are children who are born with more capacity than others, something that is normal in a race like the human race which is evolving gradually.
Ron Hubbard: Of course it is! Every time more children are born with gifts, not with powers! It is normal that in each race beings with more aptitudes embody, it is something characteristic of evolution, Beings who will be at the same level of the advances of that civilization.
In 30 years the planet will be divided, because people of 35 or 40 years, in Latin America and Africa, they will have an inferior Intellectual quotient lower than 1 because of famine. They will not develop mentally, and their mental decoder will be ruined because of malnutrition.
And there will be children that will have a capacity out of the normal range, and others that will be idiotic because of malnutrition.
Children that today are eight years old and who are undernourished, in thirty years, when they reach thirty eight years old, they will be beings that will only do things with little importance.
But it won't be a special race of children like those who speak of “indigo children” want to make people believe. This is nonsense. [2]
Interlocutor: Well, I believe that this topic is clarified already.
[1] The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (An Apocryphal Gospel)
[2] This is also applied to the so-called “Crystal Children”

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