They’re all around us. Secret conspiracies are everywhere, and where can you find the only truth? Certainly not in the game of Illuminati. Fnord.
The object of Illuminati is to take control of the world. The phone company is controlled by creatures from outer space. The Congressional Wives have taken over the Pentagon. And the Boy Sprouts are cashing in their secret Swiss Bank Account to smash the IRS!
Illuminati was an instant hit when it was released in 1982 and won the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Boardgame. It has been Steve Jackson’s signature title ever since.
Two to six players compete to take control of groups ranging from the FBI and CIA to the Dentists, increasing their wealth and power for further takeovers, until one rules supreme. Every player has different victory conditions! No ploy is too devious, no stratagem too low, as you scheme your way to victory.
eea ce indeobste numim realitate istorica
este un fenomen care se desfasoara pe doua planuri. Primul plan este cel
vizibil, la indemana oricarui om care iese pe strada sau acceseaza
televiziunile si Internetul. Nu este decat varful aisbergului. Cel de al
doilea plan este nevazut pentru cei multi. In aceasta dimensiune
ascunsa se pune la cale insasi viitorul lumii. Autorii? Un grup ocult
care vegheaza destinele omenirii de mii de ani. Cei care au auzit de ei,
le spun Illuminati…Ceea ce indeobste
numim realitate istorica este un fenomen care se desfasoara pe doua
planuri. Primul plan este cel vizibil, la indemana oricarui om care iese
pe strada sau acceseaza televiziunile si Internetul. Nu este decat
varful aisbergului. Cel de al doilea plan este nevazut pentru cei multi.
In aceasta dimensiune ascunsa se pune la cale insasi viitorul lumii.
Autorii? Un grup ocult care vegheaza destinele omenirii de mii de ani.
Cei care au auzit de ei, le spun Illuminati…
Inchipuie-ti, fie chiar pentru o clipa, ca tot ce stii despre
realitatea inconjuratoare e un mare fals. Ca mare parte din ceea ce
serveste Mass-Media sunt minciuni si manipulari grosolane. Ca tot ce se
spune “liber” nu este decat rezultatul unui fals care izvoraste dintr-un
lung sir de minciuni oficiale. Poate nu este adevarat, poate ca totul
nu este decat o simpla conceptie conspirationist-alarmist-apocaliptica,
la mare moda in aceste vremuri. Dar daca este adevarat?
In acest caz, vei descoperi incetul cu incetul ca “Puterea” acestei lumi nu este aceea pentru care se bat in prezent Statele Unite, Rusia, Japonia, U.E. Toate aceste puteri economice si militare nu sunt decat niste piese de joc, manuite din umbra de adevaratii stapani ai planetei. De acolo, din anonimatul Intunericului, ei leaga si dezleaga mersul lucrurilor. De la cel mai inalt nivel imaginabil al puterii, acest for necunoscut celor multi guverneaza aproape nestingherit. Ei fac legi si revolutii, ei instaureaza guverne, ei hotarasc ce tari dispar pentru ca altele sa le ia locul. Ei “fabrica” noi ideologii si chiar religii. Se spune ca ei au creat oranduirea capitalista, tot ei au creat-o si pe cea comunista. Au eliminat comunismul din istorie ca pe o masea stricata atunci cand au considerat ca nu mai corespunde cu planurile lor. Ei fauresc tratatele militare si economice internationale, ei schimba regimuri politice si presedinti de state, ca pe niste simple piese uzate ale unei masini. Pentru ei, Lojile Masonice de orice rit, N.A.T.O., Grupul Bilderberg, O.N.U., Comisia Trilaterara, defuncta U.R.S.S. si alte organizatii pe care le-am vazut sau le vedem inca defiland pompoase la televizor, nu sunt altceva decat “terenul de lucru” al stapanilor din umbra. Despre identitatatile si nationalitatile Illuminatilor nu se cunosc decat foarte putine lucruri, dupa cum este usor de banuit. In schimb planurile lor devin vizibile pe masura ce “valul” de pe ochii celui care vrea sa afle Adevarul, este ridicat in egala masura de setea cunoasterii si de dorinta de a fi cu adevarat liber. Puterea lor este cu adevarat mare si temuta de oricine ajunge sa afle cate ceva despre ei. De-a lungul mileniilor, au desavarsit arta conspiratiei pana aproape de piscul perfectiunii. Proba de nestirbit a Timpului le-a slefuit politica in patru mari directii, simple si greu de contracara:
1.Creaza conflicte si razboaie in care cele doua parti provocate, lupta una impotriva celeilalte si nu contra adevaratului instigator.
2. Nu apar niciodata in vazul tuturor.
3. Finateaza toate partile implicate in conflict.
4. Trec intotdeauna drept instanta impaciuitoare care pune capat conflictelor.
Totusi, succesul lor mondial nu se bazeaza pe politica lor inteligent – diabolica, cat pe inertia si superficialitatea marilor mase de oameni din intreaga lume, care inghit tot ce li se serveste drept viata zilnica si realitate palpabila. Mase de oameni care se lasa docil conduse precum o turma de oi de peste 6 miliarde de capete… Li se spune Illuminati, dar nu va ganditi ca vreunul dintre ei a atins Iluminarea spirituala. Nici pe departe. Termenul le-a fost atribuit mai degraba din frica si obedienta. Nu apar niciodata in mass-media mondiala din simplul motiv ca ei o detin si o controleaza. Daca vine vorba despre ei, acesta se face intr-un context pozitiv sau cel mult neutru. Averile lor sunt incredibile, intregul sistem bancar mondial este la picioarele lor. Milionarii din topurile “Forbes” nu sunt decat niste simpli baieti de mingi pe langa cei care detin adevarata putere consolidata prin sume de ordinul miilor de miliarde de dolari.
Diavolul din desert si inceputul conspiratiilor
Istoria oficiala aminteste gruparea Illuminati drept o organizatie oculta care a luat nastere undeva in anul 1776. Adevarul este vechi de mii de ani. Cu mult inainte de aparitia Masoneriilor sau a oricarei organizatii oculte, undeva printre nisipurile Orientului Apropiat, se punea la cale o conspiratie al carei scop final era dominarea intregi lumi. Intr-un ungher de la marginea civilizatiilor Sumerului si Mesopotamiei, lua nastere asa numita Fratie a Sarpelui. Inainte de aparitia religiilor monoteiste, cei grupati in Fratia Sarpelui oficiau un cult in care il venerau pe Cel Rau, cunoscut atunci cu numele de Pazuzu, cel mai vechi demon trimis pe aceasta planeta. Liderii acestui cult de origine sumeriana isi spuneau ei insisi Iluminati, deoarece in cadrul ritualurilor primeau lumina cunoasterii direct de la stapanul lor din Intuneric…Au strabatut astfel veacurile fara sa fie detectati de nimeni. Au privit din umbra nasterea si decaderea Greciei Antice, a Imperiului Roman, raspandirea Crestinismului si Islamului, consolidarea primelor state ale Europei Medievale, descoperirea Americilor, aparitia prafului de pusca si al Renasterii.
Au decis sa actioneze de abia in seara zilei de 1 mai 1776, cand germanul Adam Weishaupt a primit ordinul de a fonda in oraselul bavarez Ingolstadt, Ordinul Secret al Iluminatilor Bavarezi. Adam Weishaupt a fost crescut intr-o manastire iezuita iar la maturitate a devenit profesor de drept canonic in cadrul Universitatii din Ingolstadt. In anul 1770 a fost contactat de catre creditorii sai care apartineau casei Rotschild, pentru a fonda organizatia Iluminatilor. De fapt, creditorii transmiteau un ordin primit de la adevaratii Illuminati din deserturile mesopotamiene, care decisesera sa actioneze. Mai multe amanunte despre acel moment nu se cunosc pana in prezent la nivelul marelui public. Organizatia a recrutat pentru inceput o serie de militanti liberi cugetatori, secularisti si republicani recrutati din Marea Loja Masonica a Germaniei. Alarmati de activitatile lor subversive care vizau in primul rand eliminarea monarhiei de pe continentul european, autoritatile bavareze au crezut ca au distrus ordinul in anul 1785.
Se inselau amarnic, nu reusisera decat sa aresteze cativa membri neimportanti. Iluminatii bavarezi erau organizati precum cercurile din interiorul altor cercuri, intr-o structura similara cumva cu a foilor de ceapa. Daca initiatii se dovedeau demni si discreti in pastrarea secretelor transmise, puteau avansa intr-un cerc mai mic, unde cunosteau secrete mai importante. Astfel, varfurile au fost neafectate de lovitura primita din partea autoritatilor bavareze, fiind libere sa se refugieze in Elvetia. Istoria neconventionala si neoficiala le atribuie crearea celor mai importante revolutii care au schimbat irevocabil fata lumii. Revolutiile Americana, Franceza si Bolsevica nu au fost deloc niste miscari social-politice, cat au fost niste planuri precise, organizate pana in cel mai mic detaliu. Totusi a existat o mica scapare. In anul 1875, un curier al Illuminatilor bavarezi strabatea calare distanta intre Frankfurt si Paris. Providenta a facut ca acesta sa fie traznit in timpul unei furtuni. Asupra sa a fost descoperit un document care este cunoscut in cercurile oculte sub numele de “Noul Testament al Satanei”. Primul punct al documentului continea o serie de directive uimitor de actuale:
“Primul secret necesar conducerii oamenilor este strict legat de suprematia asupra opiniei publice. Atfel se poate provoca atata vrajba, indoiala si pareri contradictorii, incat oamenii de rand nu se pot orienta in acesta harababura si sunt convinsi ca este mai bine sa nu aiba vreo opinie personala cu privire la politica. Trebuie aprinse si atatate pasiunile poporului. In acest scop, trebuie creata o literatura murdara, facila, lipsita de spirit si dezgustatoare. Mai departe tine de datoria presei sa demonstreze neputinta non-Iluminatilor in toate domeniile activitatilor umane.“
Nobilimea Neagra are Mafia la degetul mic
Autori si cercetatori in domeniul periculos al societatilor ecrete si al conspiratiilor globale, precum David Icke, Ryan Burke, Juri Lina, Morgan Gricar, A. Ralph Epperson, Jan Van Helsing, Fritz Springmeier, Serge Monaste sau Vernon Staufer sunt de parere ca Illuminati dirijeaza intreaga activitate mondiala prin intermediul asa-numitei Nobilimi sau Aristocratii Negre. Insasi societatile secrete de rang secund precum Cavalerii Templieri, Iezuitii, Maltezii, Francmasoneria, Partidul Nazist si cel Comunist, Organizatiile Thule si Ordo Templis Orientalis, Grupul Bilderberg, Comisia Trilaterala etc. ar fi conduse de membrii Nobilimii Negre. Chiar si in istoria oficiala este binecunoscuta perioada de trista amintire din istoria Venetiei si Genovei, perioada in care Nobilimea Neagra si-a facut aparitia publica pentru prima oara in secolul al XII-lea, preluand monopolul afacerilor.
Oamenii i-au numit Nobilimea Neagra datorita cruzimii, lacomiei si lipsei totale a oricarui atribut moral sau crestinesc. Printr-un sir nemasurat de crime, violuri, rapiri, santaje, terorism, jafuri si chiar magie neagra, au anihilat orice forma de opozitiepentru a-si atinge scopurile. Cu trecerea timpului au devenit incredibil de bogati, puternici si influenti. Descendentii acestora ar detine si in prezent monopolurile asupra comertului mondial si sunt adevaratii stapani ai Mafiei italiene. Autorul Fritz Springmeier, in lucrarea “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, enumera cele 13 familii care alcatuiesc forul conducator al Nobilimii Negre: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li ( din China!), Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russel, van Duyn si casa Merovingiana. Cercetatorul John Coleman, care a studiat istoricul Nobilimii Negre, afirma ca radacinile lor pot fi urmarite dincolo de oligarhii medievali ai Venetiei. Acestia ar fi avut origine asiatica si s-ar fi casatorit cu membrii caselor regale europene, inca de acum peste 800 de ani.
Evenimentele s-ar fi intamplat in urma unei marii victorii a unor triburi nomade de origine asiatica din zona Volgai asupra invadatorilor arabi musulmani. Imediat dupa batalie, viitorul imparat bizantin, Constantin al V-lea, s-a casatorit cu o printesa din acele triburi. Fiul lor a fost faimosul imparat Leo al IV-lea. Membrii familiei de Medici precum si Papa Pius al XII-lea au facut parte la randul lor din Aristocratia Neagra. Cultul lor era de sorginte satanista, evidentiat prin practici avansate de magie neagra. La o privire mai atenta, reiese ca aceste metode de magie neagra sunt la originea tuturor tehnicilor de influentare si manipulare a maselor de oameni. Aceasta in ciuda faptului ca imensa masinarie de propaganda oficiala se ascunde sub motive asa-zis stiintifice, in care declara ca Diavolul nu exista, iar religiile nu sunt altceva decat o forma de misticism sub care se ascund oamenii saraci cu duhul. “Cel mai vechi truc al diavolului este acela de a spune ca el nu exista”, spune o maxima a inteleptilor crestini…
Aceeasi masinarie de propaganda cu orientare “stiintific-atee” a avut grija sa indoctrineze societatile vestice inca din anii ’50-’60, cu ideea ca nu exista forte supranaturale si fenomene paranormale, iar magia nu ar fi altceva decat un derizoriu fenomen de circ si variete.
Ce vor de fapt Illuminati?
Majoritatea covarsitoare a cercetatorilor si autorilor din domeniul istoriei neoficiale si teoriilor conspirationiste, cad de acord in privinta faptului ca Illuminati lucreaza pentru indeplinirea unei adevarate succesiuni de Noi Ordini Mondiale. Noua Ordine Mondiala este formata de fapt din mai multe etape de oranduiri sociale care isi succed una altora pana in momentul in care absolut toti oamenii vor fi controlati, insemnati si folositi dupa bunul plac al celor care conduc lumea. Ultima forma a Noii Ordini Mondiale ar fi aceea in care Illuminati vor restrange numarul oamenilor de pe planeta de la cateva miliarde la cateva milioane. In acest scop vor crea razboaie, crize alimentare, noi boli si virusuri fara leac.
Toti cei care au studiat motivele si principiile stapanilor lumii vizibile, cred ca aceasta este directia in care vor “evolua” lucrurile in viitorul apropiat… Cat de mult adevar exista in aceste presupuneri apocaliptice, nu poate certifica nimeni cu siguranta. Tot ce se poate spune este ca situatia mondiala se va precipita dramatic in urmatorii 10-20 de ani. Initiatii pe taramurile spiritului afirma la randul lor ca Illuminati sunt doar o uriasa piatra de incercare peste care omenirea este nevoita sa treaca in decursul evolutiei sale de la o specie agresiv-egotic-materialista spre o clasa superioara a desavarsirii spirituale. Tot ei afirma ca Illuminati sunt de fapt fructul pacatelor noastre, deoarece daca ar avea acces la bogatie si putere absoluta, peste 90% din oamenii din prezent ar actiona la fel ca actualii Illuminati. Nu este vorba in ultima instanta decat de o traire inferioara izvorata din frica si mandrie care-i face pe oamenii de la toate nivelurile societatii sa-si controleze, abuzeze, foloseasca si minta semenii aflati intr-o stare de vulnerabilitate si inferioritate. Traire care, din pacate, a devenit o trasatura de caracter definitorie pentru specia umana din prezent.
Ca o concluzie ce reiese din toate teoriile emise de cei care si-au dedicat viata studierii celor care ne conduc planeta:
-Iluminatii nu ar fi reusit totusi sa ajunga atat de puternici daca oamenii nu s-ar fi lasat folositi si nu le-ar fi permis sa le controleze destinele…
ALİ İHSAN AYDIN – 12 November 2008
“Towards the end of the investigation, I received a letter. It said: ‘You have come to the door of power. If you try to enter through that door, we do not know what may happen.’
I pushed that door ajar and saw what was inside,” Felice Casson says. Thus the famous Italian prosecutor first uncovered the illegal armed network, Gladio.
He stresses that a prosecutor or a judge cannot enter and go it alone. Having served as an example for many prosecutors in other European countries with his historic investigation in Italy, Casson
asserts that powerful political support is a must for the success of any
fight against illegal networks such as Gladio or Ergenekon. “A
parliamentary commission equipped with special powers should be set up.
Prosecutors can go up to a point. But this commission can go wherever it
wishes if the government is determined,” he says.
The prosecutor is now a member of the Italian Senate, but without the support of then-Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, he could not have overcome all the difficulties he faced during the Gladio investigation,
including vociferous opposition from the president. In his office in the
Senate in Rome, the Italian politician spoke to Today’s Zaman about his experiences and the difficulties in his quest to fight Gladio.
For the prosecutor, networks such as Gladio and Ergenekon are only pawns. There are many other illegal networks apart from Gladio in Italy. There is a “power” above that manages all of them, and nobody knows much about this power. Depending on circumstances that change with time, some organizations may be used and wound up, but the “power at the top” continues to assert
itself using different means. The prosecutor was even able to jail some
generals at the end of the investigation, but wasn’t able to touch the
whole of the network.
Parliamentary commission with special powers necessary
“For the success of any fight against illegal networks such as Gladio or Ergenekon, prosecutors must be given political support. Government resolve is a decisive factor. When I discovered the first documents
which made reference to Gladio, I went to visit the prime minister at
the time, Andreotti, and said: ‘I have found these documents. Will you
help me get access to other evidence so I can proceed with the
investigation?’ The prime minister said yes, but others, such as the
president, said no. He confronted me, saying that Gladio was an
organization established with the cooperation of our American friends
against Russia. He strongly and openly attacked me. At this point, the
political will of the government helped me a lot. The political issue is
the primary one.
![propaganda-due-initiation Propaganda Due P2 initiation](
“First of all, an investigation should be conducted to reveal the actions and members of the network. But, to go further, there should a parliamentary commission like the Italian Commissione Stragi (Bloodshed
Committee). An investigative commission equipped with the power and
authority of prosecutors could be established. Such a commission is
necessary when prosecutors experience difficulties in ascertaining the
truth or when members of the Mafia, terrorists or secret services are
involved. The commission we set up with extensive powers and authorities
in Italy carried out important investigations into the Propaganda Due
(P2) Masonic Lodge — involved in illegal operations throughout Italy
including nationwide bribery scandals — and the Bologna massacre and
provided us with important information.
“We worked together and in parallel with each other. Setting up a parliamentary commission with special powers is considerably important in the fight against illegal organizations. If there is political
support, a parliamentary commission can conduct an in-depth
investigation. But if the government does not know what it should do, or
if there is no political support, this is very difficult to do.”
President opposed it
“Gladio was an issue that divided Italian society. There were big disagreements between Prime Minister Andreotti and President Francesco Cossiga, who were both from the same party, the Christian Democrats. The
prime minister ensured that I could enter the secret service archives.
The investigation sparked arguments in the government and within
political parties. Some government ministers gave their support while
others opposed it. The president had been involved with the organization
since the 1960s. The prime minister supported the Gladio investigation,
but Cossiga tried to prevent it. Eventually, the Italian Supreme
Council of the Judiciary stepped in against the inventions. The
Communists and Socialists backed the investigation. Similarly, media
organizations were split over the issue. In general, right-wing papers
defended Gladio as an organization, a legacy of the past, established to
protect Italy from communists. However, we showed that it was used to
control politics, trade unions and opposition political parties.
“During the investigation, the biggest difficulty for me was to identify the international links to Gladio. For a prosecutor, it is considerably difficult to obtain information about these connections. It
had contacts with the intelligence agencies of NATO member countries
and many other countries. It even had contacts in Turkey. Cooperative
military training was held with the participation of Gladio members from
different countries.
“I could not investigate its reach into other countries. I demanded this, but it was not possible. Doors were shut tight. I requested help from the Italian government and one of our intelligence organizations,
but they said this was not possible because these were secret documents.
However, the documents I found in the archives of the Italian military
services were more than enough for our investigation concerning Italy.
But these were not sufficient for us to look outside Italy.”
Gladio investigation barred with time limit
“Gladio was a network established by NATO and the intelligence agencies of some countries. Officially, the Italian government knew nothing about it. There were presidents, prime ministers and defense
ministers who had heard nothing about Gladio. The intelligence chiefs
would select the politicians who would be briefed about it. Until I
launched an investigation, the Italian parliament, too, knew nothing. It
was established to fight against communism, but it was used against
opponents and rivals inside.
“The investigation could identify the people involved in Gladio back to 1972. Some of them had died, but some were alive. I discovered everyone who was responsible for the Peteano massacre in 1972: three
terrorists, a gendarmerie general, a colonel, a marshal, intelligence
and police chiefs and members of the judiciary. All of them were found
guilty and punished; however, the court did not put the organization
itself on trial, although it agreed that Gladio had been involved. In
the end, only those who were involved in the acts were punished, but not
the organization. Moreover, we could identify only 622 ‘gladiators.’
But the real number is much higher. The rest went into hiding.”
Did it completely collapse?
“Until the investigation, Gladio was an active organization. Then, it is said that it was uprooted thanks to Andreotti’s measures. But I don’t think it was fully destroyed. It may be operating with a different
“Gladio was not the only illegal underground organization in Italy. There was also the Avanguardia Nazionale (National Vanguard) and the P2 Masonic Lodge and many other networks which were working parallel to
Gladio. Gladio was not the supreme organization that was controlling all
of them. It was only one of them. There is an entity above them that
manages all of them. But people in the organizations who are towards the
bottom know nothing about it. They have no idea about the high-level
“What is important is to properly understand the targets. What does Ergenekon want? What is the purpose? Gladio was only a part of a greater whole. The strategy of creating tension was the overarching aim. Gladio
was only a tool to achieve this goal. Strategy is a different thing. It
is formulated by the top chiefs. The idea in Italy, and
internationally, was to create tension and maintain a hold on power. The
strategy changed over time. In the 1960s, there were military coup
attempts. Then, the international situation changed, and in the late
1970s, their strategy started to change. Violent military coup attempts
were abandoned. Instead, they tried to take control of state organs, for
instance, by using the P2 Masonic Lodge.
They tried to infiltrate public institutions in a much more dangerous
manner. There was no violence, but this time, many members of the
organization were able to penetrate deep into the state. With the fall
of the Berlin Wall, the political environment changed completely. There
was no need to maintain these secret organizations for the benefit of
Italy. Their enemies changed. Similarly, they had to change their
strategy, and new ideas were formulated. We were able to eliminate
Gladio, but there must be other networks.
“As a result of this investigation, I am convinced that economic and financial powers are more important than political ones. We do not know the number one who controls these clandestine networks. We should look
into economic and financial powers. It is not easy to say much about it.
Perhaps, this is not what a prosecutor can talk about. If there is an
offense, it can be investigated as a criminal case.
“This is a problem seen in all big cooperative efforts in the world, such as the West working with the East. It goes beyond borders. A prosecutor cannot extend his investigation there. There is a power at
the top, and it has its interests. We still discuss Gladio in Italy, but
it is hard to come to a conclusion.”
‘I saw the power at the top’
“I saw the power at the top controlling everything. Towards the end of the investigation, I received a letter. It said: ‘You have come to the door of power. If you try to enter through that door, we do not know
what may happen.’ Even if we could see something, this would only
represent part of the whole. This power is much greater. I pushed that
door ajar and saw what was inside. But I did not have time to go to the
end. There was a power behind that door. But you cannot see the people
who individually represent it. I don’t think a prosecutor or a judge can
enter through that door because they need evidence or proof of acts or
offenses. But offenses can be tools. It is difficult for a judge to have
access to what is behind that door because he has to act in reliance
with concrete evidence at all times. Things are complicated inside.
Perhaps a parliamentary commission may be useful in order to understand
the goal and phenomena.”
What changed in Italy after the Gladio investigation?
“At least two important things. Firstly, we were able to identify the people who were behind the massacres and criminal activity. Secondly, we were able to eliminate an illegal network that was a threat to
democratic society. Last year, we were able to reform our intelligence
service, which was operating under a law drafted 30 years ago. We
completely overhauled the provisions concerning state secrets and
cooperation with illegal or terrorist organizations. Previously, state
secrets could almost never be disclosed. Now, we have introduced a
democratic control mechanism for intelligence organizations. Parliament
obtained the right to control them through a commission on state secrets
and intelligence organizations.”
Concentrate on Ergenekon’s purpose
“I am monitoring developments in the Ergenekon investigation. It seems it is a bit different from Gladio in its organization. I think what the hardest part for Turkey will be is learning about everything
that happened in the past. A single commission will not be sufficient to
find this out. The important thing is to understand what its purpose
is. What was Ergenekon after? What was the purpose? The source of the
problem must be discovered. When I was investigating the Italian secret
service archives, I came across contacts in Turkey as well.
“Turkey has its own unique situation. The political, economic and cultural structure of Italy is simpler. Turkey has much more complicated problems. It has an issue with nationalism. There is also an issue with
religion. We have the pope, but this is a completely different thing.
Turkey is a crossroads. It is important for Europe and the Middle East,
not only today, but it was in the past as well.
Also see:
In acest caz, vei descoperi incetul cu incetul ca “Puterea” acestei lumi nu este aceea pentru care se bat in prezent Statele Unite, Rusia, Japonia, U.E. Toate aceste puteri economice si militare nu sunt decat niste piese de joc, manuite din umbra de adevaratii stapani ai planetei. De acolo, din anonimatul Intunericului, ei leaga si dezleaga mersul lucrurilor. De la cel mai inalt nivel imaginabil al puterii, acest for necunoscut celor multi guverneaza aproape nestingherit. Ei fac legi si revolutii, ei instaureaza guverne, ei hotarasc ce tari dispar pentru ca altele sa le ia locul. Ei “fabrica” noi ideologii si chiar religii. Se spune ca ei au creat oranduirea capitalista, tot ei au creat-o si pe cea comunista. Au eliminat comunismul din istorie ca pe o masea stricata atunci cand au considerat ca nu mai corespunde cu planurile lor. Ei fauresc tratatele militare si economice internationale, ei schimba regimuri politice si presedinti de state, ca pe niste simple piese uzate ale unei masini. Pentru ei, Lojile Masonice de orice rit, N.A.T.O., Grupul Bilderberg, O.N.U., Comisia Trilaterara, defuncta U.R.S.S. si alte organizatii pe care le-am vazut sau le vedem inca defiland pompoase la televizor, nu sunt altceva decat “terenul de lucru” al stapanilor din umbra. Despre identitatatile si nationalitatile Illuminatilor nu se cunosc decat foarte putine lucruri, dupa cum este usor de banuit. In schimb planurile lor devin vizibile pe masura ce “valul” de pe ochii celui care vrea sa afle Adevarul, este ridicat in egala masura de setea cunoasterii si de dorinta de a fi cu adevarat liber. Puterea lor este cu adevarat mare si temuta de oricine ajunge sa afle cate ceva despre ei. De-a lungul mileniilor, au desavarsit arta conspiratiei pana aproape de piscul perfectiunii. Proba de nestirbit a Timpului le-a slefuit politica in patru mari directii, simple si greu de contracara:
1.Creaza conflicte si razboaie in care cele doua parti provocate, lupta una impotriva celeilalte si nu contra adevaratului instigator.
2. Nu apar niciodata in vazul tuturor.
3. Finateaza toate partile implicate in conflict.
4. Trec intotdeauna drept instanta impaciuitoare care pune capat conflictelor.
Totusi, succesul lor mondial nu se bazeaza pe politica lor inteligent – diabolica, cat pe inertia si superficialitatea marilor mase de oameni din intreaga lume, care inghit tot ce li se serveste drept viata zilnica si realitate palpabila. Mase de oameni care se lasa docil conduse precum o turma de oi de peste 6 miliarde de capete… Li se spune Illuminati, dar nu va ganditi ca vreunul dintre ei a atins Iluminarea spirituala. Nici pe departe. Termenul le-a fost atribuit mai degraba din frica si obedienta. Nu apar niciodata in mass-media mondiala din simplul motiv ca ei o detin si o controleaza. Daca vine vorba despre ei, acesta se face intr-un context pozitiv sau cel mult neutru. Averile lor sunt incredibile, intregul sistem bancar mondial este la picioarele lor. Milionarii din topurile “Forbes” nu sunt decat niste simpli baieti de mingi pe langa cei care detin adevarata putere consolidata prin sume de ordinul miilor de miliarde de dolari.
Diavolul din desert si inceputul conspiratiilor
Istoria oficiala aminteste gruparea Illuminati drept o organizatie oculta care a luat nastere undeva in anul 1776. Adevarul este vechi de mii de ani. Cu mult inainte de aparitia Masoneriilor sau a oricarei organizatii oculte, undeva printre nisipurile Orientului Apropiat, se punea la cale o conspiratie al carei scop final era dominarea intregi lumi. Intr-un ungher de la marginea civilizatiilor Sumerului si Mesopotamiei, lua nastere asa numita Fratie a Sarpelui. Inainte de aparitia religiilor monoteiste, cei grupati in Fratia Sarpelui oficiau un cult in care il venerau pe Cel Rau, cunoscut atunci cu numele de Pazuzu, cel mai vechi demon trimis pe aceasta planeta. Liderii acestui cult de origine sumeriana isi spuneau ei insisi Iluminati, deoarece in cadrul ritualurilor primeau lumina cunoasterii direct de la stapanul lor din Intuneric…Au strabatut astfel veacurile fara sa fie detectati de nimeni. Au privit din umbra nasterea si decaderea Greciei Antice, a Imperiului Roman, raspandirea Crestinismului si Islamului, consolidarea primelor state ale Europei Medievale, descoperirea Americilor, aparitia prafului de pusca si al Renasterii.
Au decis sa actioneze de abia in seara zilei de 1 mai 1776, cand germanul Adam Weishaupt a primit ordinul de a fonda in oraselul bavarez Ingolstadt, Ordinul Secret al Iluminatilor Bavarezi. Adam Weishaupt a fost crescut intr-o manastire iezuita iar la maturitate a devenit profesor de drept canonic in cadrul Universitatii din Ingolstadt. In anul 1770 a fost contactat de catre creditorii sai care apartineau casei Rotschild, pentru a fonda organizatia Iluminatilor. De fapt, creditorii transmiteau un ordin primit de la adevaratii Illuminati din deserturile mesopotamiene, care decisesera sa actioneze. Mai multe amanunte despre acel moment nu se cunosc pana in prezent la nivelul marelui public. Organizatia a recrutat pentru inceput o serie de militanti liberi cugetatori, secularisti si republicani recrutati din Marea Loja Masonica a Germaniei. Alarmati de activitatile lor subversive care vizau in primul rand eliminarea monarhiei de pe continentul european, autoritatile bavareze au crezut ca au distrus ordinul in anul 1785.
Se inselau amarnic, nu reusisera decat sa aresteze cativa membri neimportanti. Iluminatii bavarezi erau organizati precum cercurile din interiorul altor cercuri, intr-o structura similara cumva cu a foilor de ceapa. Daca initiatii se dovedeau demni si discreti in pastrarea secretelor transmise, puteau avansa intr-un cerc mai mic, unde cunosteau secrete mai importante. Astfel, varfurile au fost neafectate de lovitura primita din partea autoritatilor bavareze, fiind libere sa se refugieze in Elvetia. Istoria neconventionala si neoficiala le atribuie crearea celor mai importante revolutii care au schimbat irevocabil fata lumii. Revolutiile Americana, Franceza si Bolsevica nu au fost deloc niste miscari social-politice, cat au fost niste planuri precise, organizate pana in cel mai mic detaliu. Totusi a existat o mica scapare. In anul 1875, un curier al Illuminatilor bavarezi strabatea calare distanta intre Frankfurt si Paris. Providenta a facut ca acesta sa fie traznit in timpul unei furtuni. Asupra sa a fost descoperit un document care este cunoscut in cercurile oculte sub numele de “Noul Testament al Satanei”. Primul punct al documentului continea o serie de directive uimitor de actuale:
“Primul secret necesar conducerii oamenilor este strict legat de suprematia asupra opiniei publice. Atfel se poate provoca atata vrajba, indoiala si pareri contradictorii, incat oamenii de rand nu se pot orienta in acesta harababura si sunt convinsi ca este mai bine sa nu aiba vreo opinie personala cu privire la politica. Trebuie aprinse si atatate pasiunile poporului. In acest scop, trebuie creata o literatura murdara, facila, lipsita de spirit si dezgustatoare. Mai departe tine de datoria presei sa demonstreze neputinta non-Iluminatilor in toate domeniile activitatilor umane.“
Nobilimea Neagra are Mafia la degetul mic
Autori si cercetatori in domeniul periculos al societatilor ecrete si al conspiratiilor globale, precum David Icke, Ryan Burke, Juri Lina, Morgan Gricar, A. Ralph Epperson, Jan Van Helsing, Fritz Springmeier, Serge Monaste sau Vernon Staufer sunt de parere ca Illuminati dirijeaza intreaga activitate mondiala prin intermediul asa-numitei Nobilimi sau Aristocratii Negre. Insasi societatile secrete de rang secund precum Cavalerii Templieri, Iezuitii, Maltezii, Francmasoneria, Partidul Nazist si cel Comunist, Organizatiile Thule si Ordo Templis Orientalis, Grupul Bilderberg, Comisia Trilaterala etc. ar fi conduse de membrii Nobilimii Negre. Chiar si in istoria oficiala este binecunoscuta perioada de trista amintire din istoria Venetiei si Genovei, perioada in care Nobilimea Neagra si-a facut aparitia publica pentru prima oara in secolul al XII-lea, preluand monopolul afacerilor.
Oamenii i-au numit Nobilimea Neagra datorita cruzimii, lacomiei si lipsei totale a oricarui atribut moral sau crestinesc. Printr-un sir nemasurat de crime, violuri, rapiri, santaje, terorism, jafuri si chiar magie neagra, au anihilat orice forma de opozitiepentru a-si atinge scopurile. Cu trecerea timpului au devenit incredibil de bogati, puternici si influenti. Descendentii acestora ar detine si in prezent monopolurile asupra comertului mondial si sunt adevaratii stapani ai Mafiei italiene. Autorul Fritz Springmeier, in lucrarea “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”, enumera cele 13 familii care alcatuiesc forul conducator al Nobilimii Negre: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li ( din China!), Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russel, van Duyn si casa Merovingiana. Cercetatorul John Coleman, care a studiat istoricul Nobilimii Negre, afirma ca radacinile lor pot fi urmarite dincolo de oligarhii medievali ai Venetiei. Acestia ar fi avut origine asiatica si s-ar fi casatorit cu membrii caselor regale europene, inca de acum peste 800 de ani.
Evenimentele s-ar fi intamplat in urma unei marii victorii a unor triburi nomade de origine asiatica din zona Volgai asupra invadatorilor arabi musulmani. Imediat dupa batalie, viitorul imparat bizantin, Constantin al V-lea, s-a casatorit cu o printesa din acele triburi. Fiul lor a fost faimosul imparat Leo al IV-lea. Membrii familiei de Medici precum si Papa Pius al XII-lea au facut parte la randul lor din Aristocratia Neagra. Cultul lor era de sorginte satanista, evidentiat prin practici avansate de magie neagra. La o privire mai atenta, reiese ca aceste metode de magie neagra sunt la originea tuturor tehnicilor de influentare si manipulare a maselor de oameni. Aceasta in ciuda faptului ca imensa masinarie de propaganda oficiala se ascunde sub motive asa-zis stiintifice, in care declara ca Diavolul nu exista, iar religiile nu sunt altceva decat o forma de misticism sub care se ascund oamenii saraci cu duhul. “Cel mai vechi truc al diavolului este acela de a spune ca el nu exista”, spune o maxima a inteleptilor crestini…
Aceeasi masinarie de propaganda cu orientare “stiintific-atee” a avut grija sa indoctrineze societatile vestice inca din anii ’50-’60, cu ideea ca nu exista forte supranaturale si fenomene paranormale, iar magia nu ar fi altceva decat un derizoriu fenomen de circ si variete.
Ce vor de fapt Illuminati?
Majoritatea covarsitoare a cercetatorilor si autorilor din domeniul istoriei neoficiale si teoriilor conspirationiste, cad de acord in privinta faptului ca Illuminati lucreaza pentru indeplinirea unei adevarate succesiuni de Noi Ordini Mondiale. Noua Ordine Mondiala este formata de fapt din mai multe etape de oranduiri sociale care isi succed una altora pana in momentul in care absolut toti oamenii vor fi controlati, insemnati si folositi dupa bunul plac al celor care conduc lumea. Ultima forma a Noii Ordini Mondiale ar fi aceea in care Illuminati vor restrange numarul oamenilor de pe planeta de la cateva miliarde la cateva milioane. In acest scop vor crea razboaie, crize alimentare, noi boli si virusuri fara leac.
Toti cei care au studiat motivele si principiile stapanilor lumii vizibile, cred ca aceasta este directia in care vor “evolua” lucrurile in viitorul apropiat… Cat de mult adevar exista in aceste presupuneri apocaliptice, nu poate certifica nimeni cu siguranta. Tot ce se poate spune este ca situatia mondiala se va precipita dramatic in urmatorii 10-20 de ani. Initiatii pe taramurile spiritului afirma la randul lor ca Illuminati sunt doar o uriasa piatra de incercare peste care omenirea este nevoita sa treaca in decursul evolutiei sale de la o specie agresiv-egotic-materialista spre o clasa superioara a desavarsirii spirituale. Tot ei afirma ca Illuminati sunt de fapt fructul pacatelor noastre, deoarece daca ar avea acces la bogatie si putere absoluta, peste 90% din oamenii din prezent ar actiona la fel ca actualii Illuminati. Nu este vorba in ultima instanta decat de o traire inferioara izvorata din frica si mandrie care-i face pe oamenii de la toate nivelurile societatii sa-si controleze, abuzeze, foloseasca si minta semenii aflati intr-o stare de vulnerabilitate si inferioritate. Traire care, din pacate, a devenit o trasatura de caracter definitorie pentru specia umana din prezent.
Ca o concluzie ce reiese din toate teoriile emise de cei care si-au dedicat viata studierii celor care ne conduc planeta:
-Iluminatii nu ar fi reusit totusi sa ajunga atat de puternici daca oamenii nu s-ar fi lasat folositi si nu le-ar fi permis sa le controleze destinele…
ALİ İHSAN AYDIN – 12 November 2008
“Towards the end of the investigation, I received a letter. It said: ‘You have come to the door of power. If you try to enter through that door, we do not know what may happen.’
I pushed that door ajar and saw what was inside,” Felice Casson says. Thus the famous Italian prosecutor first uncovered the illegal armed network, Gladio.
He stresses that a prosecutor or a judge cannot enter and go it alone. Having served as an example for many prosecutors in other European countries with his historic investigation in Italy, Casson
asserts that powerful political support is a must for the success of any
fight against illegal networks such as Gladio or Ergenekon. “A
parliamentary commission equipped with special powers should be set up.
Prosecutors can go up to a point. But this commission can go wherever it
wishes if the government is determined,” he says.
The prosecutor is now a member of the Italian Senate, but without the support of then-Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, he could not have overcome all the difficulties he faced during the Gladio investigation,
including vociferous opposition from the president. In his office in the
Senate in Rome, the Italian politician spoke to Today’s Zaman about his experiences and the difficulties in his quest to fight Gladio.
For the prosecutor, networks such as Gladio and Ergenekon are only pawns. There are many other illegal networks apart from Gladio in Italy. There is a “power” above that manages all of them, and nobody knows much about this power. Depending on circumstances that change with time, some organizations may be used and wound up, but the “power at the top” continues to assert
itself using different means. The prosecutor was even able to jail some
generals at the end of the investigation, but wasn’t able to touch the
whole of the network.
Parliamentary commission with special powers necessary
“For the success of any fight against illegal networks such as Gladio or Ergenekon, prosecutors must be given political support. Government resolve is a decisive factor. When I discovered the first documents
which made reference to Gladio, I went to visit the prime minister at
the time, Andreotti, and said: ‘I have found these documents. Will you
help me get access to other evidence so I can proceed with the
investigation?’ The prime minister said yes, but others, such as the
president, said no. He confronted me, saying that Gladio was an
organization established with the cooperation of our American friends
against Russia. He strongly and openly attacked me. At this point, the
political will of the government helped me a lot. The political issue is
the primary one.
“First of all, an investigation should be conducted to reveal the actions and members of the network. But, to go further, there should a parliamentary commission like the Italian Commissione Stragi (Bloodshed
Committee). An investigative commission equipped with the power and
authority of prosecutors could be established. Such a commission is
necessary when prosecutors experience difficulties in ascertaining the
truth or when members of the Mafia, terrorists or secret services are
involved. The commission we set up with extensive powers and authorities
in Italy carried out important investigations into the Propaganda Due
(P2) Masonic Lodge — involved in illegal operations throughout Italy
including nationwide bribery scandals — and the Bologna massacre and
provided us with important information.
“We worked together and in parallel with each other. Setting up a parliamentary commission with special powers is considerably important in the fight against illegal organizations. If there is political
support, a parliamentary commission can conduct an in-depth
investigation. But if the government does not know what it should do, or
if there is no political support, this is very difficult to do.”
President opposed it
“Gladio was an issue that divided Italian society. There were big disagreements between Prime Minister Andreotti and President Francesco Cossiga, who were both from the same party, the Christian Democrats. The
prime minister ensured that I could enter the secret service archives.
The investigation sparked arguments in the government and within
political parties. Some government ministers gave their support while
others opposed it. The president had been involved with the organization
since the 1960s. The prime minister supported the Gladio investigation,
but Cossiga tried to prevent it. Eventually, the Italian Supreme
Council of the Judiciary stepped in against the inventions. The
Communists and Socialists backed the investigation. Similarly, media
organizations were split over the issue. In general, right-wing papers
defended Gladio as an organization, a legacy of the past, established to
protect Italy from communists. However, we showed that it was used to
control politics, trade unions and opposition political parties.
“During the investigation, the biggest difficulty for me was to identify the international links to Gladio. For a prosecutor, it is considerably difficult to obtain information about these connections. It
had contacts with the intelligence agencies of NATO member countries
and many other countries. It even had contacts in Turkey. Cooperative
military training was held with the participation of Gladio members from
different countries.
“I could not investigate its reach into other countries. I demanded this, but it was not possible. Doors were shut tight. I requested help from the Italian government and one of our intelligence organizations,
but they said this was not possible because these were secret documents.
However, the documents I found in the archives of the Italian military
services were more than enough for our investigation concerning Italy.
But these were not sufficient for us to look outside Italy.”
Gladio investigation barred with time limit
“Gladio was a network established by NATO and the intelligence agencies of some countries. Officially, the Italian government knew nothing about it. There were presidents, prime ministers and defense
ministers who had heard nothing about Gladio. The intelligence chiefs
would select the politicians who would be briefed about it. Until I
launched an investigation, the Italian parliament, too, knew nothing. It
was established to fight against communism, but it was used against
opponents and rivals inside.
“The investigation could identify the people involved in Gladio back to 1972. Some of them had died, but some were alive. I discovered everyone who was responsible for the Peteano massacre in 1972: three
terrorists, a gendarmerie general, a colonel, a marshal, intelligence
and police chiefs and members of the judiciary. All of them were found
guilty and punished; however, the court did not put the organization
itself on trial, although it agreed that Gladio had been involved. In
the end, only those who were involved in the acts were punished, but not
the organization. Moreover, we could identify only 622 ‘gladiators.’
But the real number is much higher. The rest went into hiding.”
Did it completely collapse?
“Until the investigation, Gladio was an active organization. Then, it is said that it was uprooted thanks to Andreotti’s measures. But I don’t think it was fully destroyed. It may be operating with a different
“Gladio was not the only illegal underground organization in Italy. There was also the Avanguardia Nazionale (National Vanguard) and the P2 Masonic Lodge and many other networks which were working parallel to
Gladio. Gladio was not the supreme organization that was controlling all
of them. It was only one of them. There is an entity above them that
manages all of them. But people in the organizations who are towards the
bottom know nothing about it. They have no idea about the high-level
“What is important is to properly understand the targets. What does Ergenekon want? What is the purpose? Gladio was only a part of a greater whole. The strategy of creating tension was the overarching aim. Gladio
was only a tool to achieve this goal. Strategy is a different thing. It
is formulated by the top chiefs. The idea in Italy, and
internationally, was to create tension and maintain a hold on power. The
strategy changed over time. In the 1960s, there were military coup
attempts. Then, the international situation changed, and in the late
1970s, their strategy started to change. Violent military coup attempts
were abandoned. Instead, they tried to take control of state organs, for
instance, by using the P2 Masonic Lodge.
They tried to infiltrate public institutions in a much more dangerous
manner. There was no violence, but this time, many members of the
organization were able to penetrate deep into the state. With the fall
of the Berlin Wall, the political environment changed completely. There
was no need to maintain these secret organizations for the benefit of
Italy. Their enemies changed. Similarly, they had to change their
strategy, and new ideas were formulated. We were able to eliminate
Gladio, but there must be other networks.
“As a result of this investigation, I am convinced that economic and financial powers are more important than political ones. We do not know the number one who controls these clandestine networks. We should look
into economic and financial powers. It is not easy to say much about it.
Perhaps, this is not what a prosecutor can talk about. If there is an
offense, it can be investigated as a criminal case.
“This is a problem seen in all big cooperative efforts in the world, such as the West working with the East. It goes beyond borders. A prosecutor cannot extend his investigation there. There is a power at
the top, and it has its interests. We still discuss Gladio in Italy, but
it is hard to come to a conclusion.”
‘I saw the power at the top’
“I saw the power at the top controlling everything. Towards the end of the investigation, I received a letter. It said: ‘You have come to the door of power. If you try to enter through that door, we do not know
what may happen.’ Even if we could see something, this would only
represent part of the whole. This power is much greater. I pushed that
door ajar and saw what was inside. But I did not have time to go to the
end. There was a power behind that door. But you cannot see the people
who individually represent it. I don’t think a prosecutor or a judge can
enter through that door because they need evidence or proof of acts or
offenses. But offenses can be tools. It is difficult for a judge to have
access to what is behind that door because he has to act in reliance
with concrete evidence at all times. Things are complicated inside.
Perhaps a parliamentary commission may be useful in order to understand
the goal and phenomena.”
What changed in Italy after the Gladio investigation?
“At least two important things. Firstly, we were able to identify the people who were behind the massacres and criminal activity. Secondly, we were able to eliminate an illegal network that was a threat to
democratic society. Last year, we were able to reform our intelligence
service, which was operating under a law drafted 30 years ago. We
completely overhauled the provisions concerning state secrets and
cooperation with illegal or terrorist organizations. Previously, state
secrets could almost never be disclosed. Now, we have introduced a
democratic control mechanism for intelligence organizations. Parliament
obtained the right to control them through a commission on state secrets
and intelligence organizations.”
Concentrate on Ergenekon’s purpose
“I am monitoring developments in the Ergenekon investigation. It seems it is a bit different from Gladio in its organization. I think what the hardest part for Turkey will be is learning about everything
that happened in the past. A single commission will not be sufficient to
find this out. The important thing is to understand what its purpose
is. What was Ergenekon after? What was the purpose? The source of the
problem must be discovered. When I was investigating the Italian secret
service archives, I came across contacts in Turkey as well.
“Turkey has its own unique situation. The political, economic and cultural structure of Italy is simpler. Turkey has much more complicated problems. It has an issue with nationalism. There is also an issue with
religion. We have the pope, but this is a completely different thing.
Turkey is a crossroads. It is important for Europe and the Middle East,
not only today, but it was in the past as well.
Also see:
- Terrorism in Western Europe: An Approach to NATO’s Secret Stay-Behind Armies
- N.A.T.O. Gladio, and the strategy of tension
- GLADIO: The Secret U.S. War To Subvert Italian Democracy
- Operation Gladio: Interview With Daniele Ganser
- Gladio prosecutor Casson: Ergenekon-like organizations spread like cancer
- St. Peter’s Squared: Roberto Calvi and the P2 Masonic Lodge Conspiracy
- Ergenekon investigations: Turkey Dangerously polarized
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